January 2016 Archives by author
Starting: Fri Jan 1 11:14:22 UTC 2016
Ending: Sun Jan 31 21:40:41 UTC 2016
Messages: 257
- [tor-dev] Much-revised draft, RFC: removing current obsolete clients from the network
Sebastian G. <bastik.tor>
- [tor-dev] Quantum-safe Hybrid handshake for Tor
Yawning Angel
- [tor-dev] Quantum-safe Hybrid handshake for Tor
Yawning Angel
- [tor-dev] Quantum-safe Hybrid handshake for Tor
Yawning Angel
- [tor-dev] Quantum-safe Hybrid handshake for Tor
Yawning Angel
- [tor-dev] Quantum-safe Hybrid handshake for Tor
Yawning Angel
- [tor-dev] Transparent proxying: automagically add firewall rules
Yawning Angel
- [tor-dev] ENGINE_get_default_ECDx missing?
Yawning Angel
- [tor-dev] Entry/Exit node selection
Yawning Angel
- [tor-dev] Entry/Exit node selection
Yawning Angel
- [tor-dev] Is it possible to specify voluntary delays in my Tor client?
Yawning Angel
- [tor-dev] SyslogIdentityTag considered to be backported to 0.2.7?
Yawning Angel
- [tor-dev] Release: obfs4proxy-0.0.6
Yawning Angel
- [tor-dev] Introducing Snowflake (webrtc pt)
Yawning Angel
- [tor-dev] Introducing Snowflake (webrtc pt)
Yawning Angel
- [tor-dev] Tor not affected by recent openssl security advisories
Yawning Angel
- [tor-dev] Tor not affected by recent openssl security advisories
Yawning Angel
- [tor-dev] Proposal: Stop giving Exit flags when only unencrypted traffic can exit
Moritz Bartl
- [tor-dev] Transparent proxying: automagically add firewall rules
Rene Bartsch
- [tor-dev] Introducing Snowflake (webrtc pt)
Griffin Boyce
- [tor-dev] Introducing Snowflake (webrtc pt)
Arlo Breault
- [tor-dev] Introducing Snowflake (webrtc pt)
Arlo Breault
- [tor-dev] Revisiting Proposal 246: Merging Hidden Service Directories and Introduction Points
John Brooks
- [tor-dev] Quantum-safe Hybrid handshake for Tor
Ryan Carboni
- [tor-dev] Quantum-safe Hybrid handshake for Tor
Ryan Carboni
- [tor-dev] Quantum-safe Hybrid handshake for Tor
Ryan Carboni
- [tor-dev] Quantum-safe Hybrid handshake for Tor
Ryan Carboni
- [tor-dev] Fwd: Need to know if this is a bug
Siddhartha De
- [tor-dev] Proposal xxx: Filtering malicious rendezvous points at hidden service server side
Roger Dingledine
- [tor-dev] Go version in Gitian descriptors
David Fifield
- [tor-dev] Summary of meek's costs, December 2015
David Fifield
- [tor-dev] Summary of meek's costs, December 2015
David Fifield
- [tor-dev] Summary of meek's costs, December 2015
David Fifield
- [tor-dev] How many exits exit from an IP address different than their OR address? (10.7%)
David Fifield
- [tor-dev] Questions about censorship detection paper
David Fifield
- [tor-dev] Questions about censorship detection paper
David Fifield
- [tor-dev] How many exits exit from an IP address different than their OR address? (10.7%)
David Fifield
- [tor-dev] Does Orbot use default obfs4 bridges?
David Fifield
- [tor-dev] Does Orbot use default obfs4 bridges?
David Fifield
- [tor-dev] Introducing Snowflake (webrtc pt)
David Fifield
- [tor-dev] tor-dev Digest, Vol 60, Issue 2
- [tor-dev] Fwd: Orbot roadmap feedback
Nathan Freitas
- [tor-dev] Fwd: Orbot roadmap feedback
Nathan Freitas
- [tor-dev] Fwd: Orbot roadmap feedback
Nathan Freitas
- [tor-dev] Fwd: Orbot 15.1.0-RC-1
Nathan Freitas
- [tor-dev] Does Orbot use default obfs4 bridges?
Nathan Freitas
- [tor-dev] Does Orbot use default obfs4 bridges?
Nathan Freitas
- [tor-dev] Release: obfs4proxy-0.0.6
Nathan Freitas
- [tor-dev] Fwd: Orbot v15.1.0-RC-4
Nathan Freitas
- [tor-dev] Fwd: [guardian-dev] RC-7 is out - try to repro? Re: towards reproducible Orbot
Nathan Freitas
- [tor-dev] Fwd: [guardian-dev] RC-7 is out - try to repro? Re: towards reproducible Orbot
Nathan Freitas
- [tor-dev] Two major improvements to the Tor Metrics back-end
David Goulet
- [tor-dev] Needs Code Review: Shared Randomness Generation for Tor
David Goulet
- [tor-dev] Proposal: Load Balancing with Overhead Parameters
David Goulet
- [tor-dev] Proposals should have reviews. Let's make sure that happens. Here's a schedule.
David Goulet
- [tor-dev] Revisiting Proposal 246: Merging Hidden Service Directories and Introduction Points
David Goulet
- [tor-dev] Revisiting Proposal 246: Merging Hidden Service Directories and Introduction Points
David Goulet
- [tor-dev] Proposal 247: Alternate Path Lengths
David Goulet
- [tor-dev] Proposals should have reviews. Let's make sure that happens. Here's a schedule.
David Goulet
- [tor-dev] Proposal xxx: Filtering malicious rendezvous points at hidden service server side
David Goulet
- [tor-dev] Proposals should have reviews. Let's make sure that happens. Here's a schedule.
David Goulet
- [tor-dev] Proposal: Stop giving Exit flags when only unencrypted traffic can exit
Virgil Griffith
- [tor-dev] Proposal: Stop giving Exit flags when only unencrypted traffic can exit
Virgil Griffith
- [tor-dev] Proposal: Stop giving Exit flags when only unencrypted traffic can exit
Virgil Griffith
- [tor-dev] How many exits exit from an IP address different than their OR address? (10.7%)
Virgil Griffith
- [tor-dev] Is it possible to specify voluntary delays in my Tor client?
Virgil Griffith
- [tor-dev] Is it possible to specify voluntary delays in my Tor client?
Virgil Griffith
- [tor-dev] New Shadow versions now available
Rob Jansen
- [tor-dev] Questions about censorship detection paper
- [tor-dev] Questions about censorship detection paper
- [tor-dev] Two major improvements to the Tor Metrics back-end
Aaron Johnson
- [tor-dev] Comparing Stem, metrics-lib, and zoossh
Damian Johnson
- [tor-dev] Comparing Stem, metrics-lib, and zoossh
Damian Johnson
- [tor-dev] Comparing Stem, metrics-lib, and zoossh
Damian Johnson
- [tor-dev] Comparing Stem, metrics-lib, and zoossh
Damian Johnson
- [tor-dev] Comparing Stem, metrics-lib, and zoossh
Damian Johnson
- [tor-dev] Comparing Stem, metrics-lib, and zoossh
Damian Johnson
- [tor-dev] Comparing Stem, metrics-lib, and zoossh
Damian Johnson
- [tor-dev] Comparing Stem, metrics-lib, and zoossh
Damian Johnson
- [tor-dev] Needs Code Review: Shared Randomness Generation for Tor
George Kadianakis
- [tor-dev] Revisiting Proposal 246: Merging Hidden Service Directories and Introduction Points
George Kadianakis
- [tor-dev] Revisiting Proposal 246: Merging Hidden Service Directories and Introduction Points
George Kadianakis
- [tor-dev] Revisiting Proposal 246: Merging Hidden Service Directories and Introduction Points
George Kadianakis
- [tor-dev] Notes from 1st Tor proposal reading group [prop241, prop247, prop259]
George Kadianakis
- [tor-dev] Proposal 247: Alternate Path Lengths
George Kadianakis
- [tor-dev] Proposal 247: Alternate Path Lengths
George Kadianakis
- [tor-dev] Proposal 247: Alternate Path Lengths
George Kadianakis
- [tor-dev] Proposals should have reviews. Let's make sure that happens. Here's a schedule.
George Kadianakis
- [tor-dev] Getting people started on guard selection algorithms [prop259]
George Kadianakis
- [tor-dev] Notes from 3rd Tor proposal reading group [prop250]
George Kadianakis
- [tor-dev] Tor metrics: Questionable relays-by-platform accounting
Fabian Keil
- [tor-dev] Tor metrics: Questionable relays-by-platform accounting
Fabian Keil
- [tor-dev] Tor metrics: Questionable relays-by-platform accounting
Fabian Keil
- [tor-dev] Fwd: Orbot roadmap feedback
Georg Koppen
- [tor-dev] Fwd: Orbot roadmap feedback
Georg Koppen
- [tor-dev] Always up-to-date HSTS preload list for Tor?
Georg Koppen
- [tor-dev] Tor not affected by recent openssl security advisories
Tim Kuijsten
- [tor-dev] Comparing Stem, metrics-lib, and zoossh
Karsten Loesing
- [tor-dev] Comparing Stem, metrics-lib, and zoossh
Karsten Loesing
- [tor-dev] Two major improvements to the Tor Metrics back-end
Karsten Loesing
- [tor-dev] Two major improvements to the Tor Metrics back-end
Karsten Loesing
- [tor-dev] Tor metrics: Questionable relays-by-platform accounting
Karsten Loesing
- [tor-dev] Tor metrics: Questionable relays-by-platform accounting
Karsten Loesing
- [tor-dev] Tor metrics: Questionable relays-by-platform accounting
Karsten Loesing
- [tor-dev] Upcoming Onionoo version 3.1 removes "family" field from details and stops returning code 500 when serving stale data
Karsten Loesing
- [tor-dev] Comparing Stem, metrics-lib, and zoossh
Karsten Loesing
- [tor-dev] Comparing Stem, metrics-lib, and zoossh
Karsten Loesing
- [tor-dev] Comparing Stem, metrics-lib, and zoossh
Karsten Loesing
- [tor-dev] Comparing Stem, metrics-lib, and zoossh
Karsten Loesing
- [tor-dev] Comparing Stem, metrics-lib, and zoossh
Karsten Loesing
- [tor-dev] Comparing Stem, metrics-lib, and zoossh
Karsten Loesing
- [tor-dev] Upcoming Onionoo version 3.1 removes "family" field from details and stops returning code 500 when serving stale data
Karsten Loesing
- [tor-dev] Should we disable the collection of some stats published in extra-infos?
Karsten Loesing
- [tor-dev] Proposals should have reviews. Let's make sure that happens. Here's a schedule.
- [tor-dev] Fwd: [guardian-dev] RC-7 is out - try to repro? Re: towards reproducible Orbot
Ximin Luo
- [tor-dev] Proposal 264: Putting version numbers on the Tor subprotocols
Nick Mathewson
- [tor-dev] Much-revised draft, RFC: removing current obsolete clients from the network
Nick Mathewson
- [tor-dev] Proposal 247 (Hidden Service Vanguards) Overhaul
Nick Mathewson
- [tor-dev] Propsal 263 Quantum-safe Hybrid handshake for Tor, updated feature request
Nick Mathewson
- [tor-dev] Proposals should have reviews. Let's make sure that happens. Here's a schedule.
Nick Mathewson
- [tor-dev] Proposal: Load Balancing with Overhead Parameters
Nick Mathewson
- [tor-dev] Much-revised draft, RFC: removing current obsolete clients from the network
Nick Mathewson
- [tor-dev] Proposals should have reviews. Let's make sure that happens. Here's a schedule.
Nick Mathewson
- [tor-dev] Moving prop#250 discussion meeting to Tuesday, 1600 UTC
Nick Mathewson
- [tor-dev] Proposals should have reviews. Let's make sure that happens. Here's a schedule.
Nick Mathewson
- [tor-dev] Proposals should have reviews. Let's make sure that happens. Here's a schedule.
Nick Mathewson
- [tor-dev] Tor not affected by recent openssl security advisories
Nick Mathewson
- [tor-dev] Applications Team meeting today (Tuesday Jan 5) 19:00 UTC
Mike Perry
- [tor-dev] Proposal 247 (Hidden Service Vanguards) Overhaul
Mike Perry
- [tor-dev] Proposal: Load Balancing with Overhead Parameters
Mike Perry
- [tor-dev] Proposal: Load Balancing with Overhead Parameters
Mike Perry
- [tor-dev] Proposal: Load Balancing with Overhead Parameters
Mike Perry
- [tor-dev] Revisiting Proposal 246: Merging Hidden Service Directories and Introduction Points
Mike Perry
- [tor-dev] Revisiting Proposal 246: Merging Hidden Service Directories and Introduction Points
Mike Perry
- [tor-dev] Notes from 1st Tor proposal reading group [prop241, prop247, prop259]
Mike Perry
- [tor-dev] Proposal 247: Alternate Path Lengths
Mike Perry
- [tor-dev] Proposal 247: Alternate Path Lengths
Mike Perry
- [tor-dev] Proposal 247: Alternate Path Lengths
Mike Perry
- [tor-dev] Proposal 247: Alternate Path Lengths
Mike Perry
- [tor-dev] Proposal 251 (netflow padding) meeting logs, minutes, and action items
Mike Perry
- [tor-dev] Proposal xxx: Filtering malicious rendezvous points at hidden service server side
Mike Perry
- [tor-dev] Proposal 247: Alternate Path Lengths
Mike Perry
- [tor-dev] Go version in Gitian descriptors
Jeremy Rand
- [tor-dev] Always up-to-date HSTS preload list for Tor?
Ivan Ristic
- [tor-dev] Fwd: Orbot roadmap feedback
Michael Rogers
- [tor-dev] Fwd: Orbot roadmap feedback
Michael Rogers
- [tor-dev] Revisiting Proposal 246: Merging Hidden Service Directories and Introduction Points
Michael Rogers
- [tor-dev] trac account 'proper' - Full Disclosure
Patrick Schleizer
- [tor-dev] Tor Control Protocol: multiple commands in a single line possible?
Patrick Schleizer
- [tor-dev] Introducing Snowflake (webrtc pt)
- [tor-dev] Introducing Snowflake (webrtc pt)
- [tor-dev] Introducing Snowflake (webrtc pt)
- [tor-dev] Introducing Snowflake (webrtc pt)
- [tor-dev] Quantum-safe Hybrid handshake for Tor
- [tor-dev] Fwd: Orbot roadmap feedback
- [tor-dev] Fwd: Orbot roadmap feedback
- [tor-dev] Proposals should have reviews. Let's make sure that happens. Here's a schedule.
- [tor-dev] Much-revised draft, RFC: removing current obsolete clients from the network
- [tor-dev] Entry/Exit node selection
- [tor-dev] Is it possible to specify voluntary delays in my Tor client?
- [tor-dev] Is it possible to specify voluntary delays in my Tor client?
- [tor-dev] Entry/Exit node selection
- [tor-dev] Proposals should have reviews. Let's make sure that happens. Here's a schedule.
- [tor-dev] Proposals should have reviews. Let's make sure that happens. Here's a schedule.
- [tor-dev] Is it possible to specify voluntary delays in my Tor client?
David Stainton
- [tor-dev] Proposal: Stop giving Exit flags when only unencrypted traffic can exit
Paul Syverson
- [tor-dev] Notes from 1st Tor proposal reading group [prop241, prop247, prop259]
Paul Syverson
- [tor-dev] Proposal: Stop giving Exit flags when only unencrypted traffic can exit
Peter Tonoli
- [tor-dev] Quantum-safe Hybrid handshake for Tor
Jesse V
- [tor-dev] Quantum-safe Hybrid handshake for Tor
Jesse V
- [tor-dev] Summary of meek's costs, December 2015
Jesse V
- [tor-dev] Summary of meek's costs, December 2015
Jesse V
- [tor-dev] Summary of meek's costs, December 2015
Jesse V
- [tor-dev] How many exits exit from an IP address different than their OR address? (10.7%)
Jesse V
- [tor-dev] Quantum-safe Hybrid handshake for Tor
Henry de Valence
- [tor-dev] [Win32] test_util.c + test_checkdir.c
Gisle Vanem
- [tor-dev] ENGINE_get_default_ECDx missing?
Gisle Vanem
- [tor-dev] Comparing Stem, metrics-lib, and zoossh
Philipp Winter
- [tor-dev] Comparing Stem, metrics-lib, and zoossh
Philipp Winter
- [tor-dev] Comparing Stem, metrics-lib, and zoossh
Philipp Winter
- [tor-dev] Proposal: Stop giving Exit flags when only unencrypted traffic can exit
Tom van der Woerdt
- [tor-dev] Proposal: Stop giving Exit flags when only unencrypted traffic can exit
Tom van der Woerdt
- [tor-dev] Proposal: Stop giving Exit flags when only unencrypted traffic can exit
Tom van der Woerdt
- [tor-dev] Proposal: Stop giving Exit flags when only unencrypted traffic can exit
Tom van der Woerdt
- [tor-dev] Tor Control Protocol: multiple commands in a single line possible?
Tom van der Woerdt
- [tor-dev] Quantum-safe Hybrid handshake for Tor
Zhenfei Zhang
- [tor-dev] tor-dev Digest, Vol 60, Issue 2
Zhenfei Zhang
- [tor-dev] Quantum-safe Hybrid handshake for Tor
Zhenfei Zhang
- [tor-dev] Propsal 263 Quantum-safe Hybrid handshake for Tor, updated feature request
Zhenfei Zhang
- [tor-dev] How many exits exit from an IP address different than their OR address? (10.7%)
- [tor-dev] Proposal: Stop giving Exit flags when only unencrypted traffic can exit
ncl at cock.li
- [tor-dev] Oops / Re: Proposal: Stop giving Exit flags when only unencrypted traffic can exit
ncl at cock.li
- [tor-dev] How many exits exit from an IP address different than their OR address? (10.7%)
- [tor-dev] How many exits exit from an IP address different than their OR address? (10.7%)
- [tor-dev] How many exits exit from an IP address different than their OR address? (10.7%)
- [tor-dev] Entry/Exit node selection
Evan d'Entremont
- [tor-dev] Entry/Exit node selection
Evan d'Entremont
- [tor-dev] Quantum-safe Hybrid handshake for Tor
- [tor-dev] Quantum-safe Hybrid handshake for Tor
- [tor-dev] Proposal: Stop giving Exit flags when only unencrypted traffic can exit
- [tor-dev] Tor Control Protocol: multiple commands in a single line possible?
- [tor-dev] How many exits exit from an IP address different than their OR address? (10.7%)
- [tor-dev] How many exits exit from an IP address different than their OR address? (10.7%)
- [tor-dev] How many exits exit from an IP address different than their OR address? (10.7%)
- [tor-dev] Is it possible to specify voluntary delays in my Tor client?
- [tor-dev] trac account 'proper' - Full Disclosure
- [tor-dev] Go version in Gitian descriptors
- [tor-dev] Proposals should have reviews. Let's make sure that happens. Here's a schedule.
- [tor-dev] Does Orbot use default obfs4 bridges?
- [tor-dev] Getting people started on guard selection algorithms [prop259]
- [tor-dev] How many exits exit from an IP address different than their OR address? (10.7%)
Fabio Pietrosanti (naif) - lists
- [tor-dev] Tor Control Protocol: multiple commands in a single line possible?
- [tor-dev] txtorcon: ipaddress instead of ipaddr?
- [tor-dev] Tor metrics: Questionable relays-by-platform accounting
- [tor-dev] SyslogIdentityTag considered to be backported to 0.2.7?
- [tor-dev] ENGINE_get_default_ECDx missing?
- [tor-dev] Quantum-safe Hybrid handshake for Tor
- [tor-dev] Revisiting Proposal 246: Merging Hidden Service Directories and Introduction Points
- [tor-dev] Much-revised draft, RFC: removing current obsolete clients from the network
- [tor-dev] Proposal xxx: Filtering malicious rendezvous points at hidden service server side
- [tor-dev] Proposal xxx: Filtering malicious rendezvous points at hidden service server side
- [tor-dev] Proposal xxx: Filtering malicious rendezvous points at hidden service server side
- [tor-dev] Proposal xxx: Filtering malicious rendezvous points at hidden service server side
- [tor-dev] Proposal xxx: Filtering malicious rendezvous points at hidden service server side
- [tor-dev] Proposal xxx: Filtering malicious rendezvous points at hidden service server side
- [tor-dev] Proposal xxx: Filtering malicious rendezvous points at hidden service server side
- [tor-dev] Go version in Gitian descriptors
- [tor-dev] Quantum-safe Hybrid handshake for Tor
Tim Wilson-Brown - teor
- [tor-dev] Quantum-safe Hybrid handshake for Tor
Tim Wilson-Brown - teor
- [tor-dev] Quantum-safe Hybrid handshake for Tor
Tim Wilson-Brown - teor
- [tor-dev] Go version in Gitian descriptors
Tim Wilson-Brown - teor
- [tor-dev] Proposal: Stop giving Exit flags when only unencrypted traffic can exit
Tim Wilson-Brown - teor
- [tor-dev] Proposal: Stop giving Exit flags when only unencrypted traffic can exit
Tim Wilson-Brown - teor
- [tor-dev] Proposal: Stop giving Exit flags when only unencrypted traffic can exit
Tim Wilson-Brown - teor
- [tor-dev] [Win32] test_util.c + test_checkdir.c
Tim Wilson-Brown - teor
- [tor-dev] Much-revised draft, RFC: removing current obsolete clients from the network
Tim Wilson-Brown - teor
- [tor-dev] Proposal 264: Putting version numbers on the Tor subprotocols
Tim Wilson-Brown - teor
- [tor-dev] Proposal: Stop giving Exit flags when only unencrypted traffic can exit
Tim Wilson-Brown - teor
- [tor-dev] How many exits exit from an IP address different than their OR address? (10.7%)
Tim Wilson-Brown - teor
- [tor-dev] Needs Code Review: Shared Randomness Generation for Tor
Tim Wilson-Brown - teor
- [tor-dev] Proposal: Load Balancing with Overhead Parameters
Tim Wilson-Brown - teor
- [tor-dev] Needs Code Review: Shared Randomness Generation for Tor
Tim Wilson-Brown - teor
- [tor-dev] Revisiting Proposal 246: Merging Hidden Service Directories and Introduction Points
Tim Wilson-Brown - teor
- [tor-dev] Proposals should have reviews. Let's make sure that happens. Here's a schedule.
Tim Wilson-Brown - teor
- [tor-dev] Proposal: Load Balancing with Overhead Parameters
Tim Wilson-Brown - teor
- [tor-dev] Entry/Exit node selection
Tim Wilson-Brown - teor
- [tor-dev] Notes from 1st Tor proposal reading group [prop241, prop247, prop259]
Tim Wilson-Brown - teor
- [tor-dev] Proposal xxx: Filtering malicious rendezvous points at hidden service server side
Tim Wilson-Brown - teor
- [tor-dev] Proposal xxx: Filtering malicious rendezvous points at hidden service server side
Tim Wilson-Brown - teor
- [tor-dev] Proposal xxx: Filtering malicious rendezvous points at hidden service server side
Tim Wilson-Brown - teor
- [tor-dev] Proposal xxx: Filtering malicious rendezvous points at hidden service server side
Tim Wilson-Brown - teor
- [tor-dev] Introducing Snowflake (webrtc pt)
Tim Wilson-Brown - teor
- [tor-dev] Introducing Snowflake (webrtc pt)
Tim Wilson-Brown - teor
- [tor-dev] Proposals should have reviews. Let's make sure that happens. Here's a schedule.
Tim Wilson-Brown - teor
- [tor-dev] Proposals should have reviews. Let's make sure that happens. Here's a schedule.
Tim Wilson-Brown - teor
- [tor-dev] Need to know if this is a bug
Tim Wilson-Brown - teor
- [tor-dev] Proposal: Load Balancing with Overhead Parameters
Tim Wilson-Brown - teor
Last message date:
Sun Jan 31 21:40:41 UTC 2016
Archived on: Sun Jan 31 21:40:53 UTC 2016
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).