[tor-reports] Fwd: [otf-active] December 2015 Report for Tor Bridge Distribution
isis at torproject.org
Wed Jan 6 17:42:47 UTC 2016
Hey hey,
Here's my December status report for the OTF-funded Tor Bridge Distribution
project, which I've just sent to OTF's mailing lists.
----- Forwarded message from isis <isis at torproject.org> -----
> From: isis <isis at torproject.org>
> Subject: [otf-active] December 2015 Report for Tor Bridge Distribution
> Date: Wed, 6 Jan 2016 17:32:05 +0000
> Message-ID: <20160106173205.GA24321 at patternsinthevoid.net>
> To: otf-projects at opentechfund.org, otf-active at opentechfund.org
> Hello!
> In December 2015, I took some time off for the holidays, so less work than
> usual was done. I also attended two conferences and gave a lecture to a group
> of cryptographers at Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. In between attending
> Tanja Lange and Dan Bernstein's Post-Snowden Cryptography conference and 32c3,
> I did manage to make the following progress towards Tor Bridge Distribution
> project:
> - Spoke at Ei/Ψ, the Eindhoven Institute for the Protection of Systems and
> Information, for a quarterly seminar held by a group of Netherlands-based
> cryptographers. [0] [1] My talk was on the design of the cryptographic
> protocol which will be used for enabling people to rely on their social
> relationships to distribute secrets (Tor Bridges, for my use case) without
> the social graph being obtainable by any party (slides available [2]).
> Many thanks to Tanja Lange for inviting me to speak, and to all the
> cryptographers and crypto-engineers in industry who contacted me afterwards
> with interest and new ideas.
> - Began refactoring circuit code for Tor Bridge Guards. [3]
> - Minor maintenance on the BridgeDB server.
> - Rewrote all of BridgeDB data structures for determining/storing information
> on whether a Bridge is known to be blocked in some given region. [4] [5]
> - Began separating the code for Bridge Distributors from the code which
> touches the databases. [6] [7] Eventually, the goal is to have these run as
> separate processes for better scalability, as well as for
> compartmentalisation of which code has access to the full set of Bridge
> relays. Additionally, this is the first step towards implementing Tor
> proposal #226. [8]
> [0]: https://www.win.tue.nl/eipsi/cwg/aank%20dec%202015.pdf
> [1]: https://twitter.com/Ei_PSI/status/674371609420001280
> [2]: https://fyb.patternsinthevoid.net/eipsi.pdf
> [3]: https://bugs.torproject.org/7144
> [4]: https://gitweb.torproject.org/bridgedb.git/commit/?id=91f4cf9c084765748fed80f8f8d00eae80c5e68e
> [5]: https://bugs/torproject.org/12505
> [6]: https://gitweb.torproject.org/bridgedb.git/commit/?id=5019761881c7807ab0f09f0728f337b5ce857ca5
> [7]: https://bugs.torproject.org/12506
> [8]: https://gitweb.torproject.org/torspec.git/tree/proposals/226-bridgedb-database-improvements.txt
----- End forwarded message -----
♥Ⓐ isis agora lovecruft
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