[tor-commits] [translation/tba-torbrowserstringsdtd] Update translations for tba-torbrowserstringsdtd
translation at torproject.org
translation at torproject.org
Mon Dec 31 17:47:42 UTC 2018
commit 5cac3a1f9c70b12384bff7f51b357ea012480efa
Author: Translation commit bot <translation at torproject.org>
Date: Mon Dec 31 17:47:28 2018 +0000
Update translations for tba-torbrowserstringsdtd
be/android_strings.dtd | 10 +++++-----
1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
diff --git a/be/android_strings.dtd b/be/android_strings.dtd
index 41be191c4..bac735b6f 100644
--- a/be/android_strings.dtd
+++ b/be/android_strings.dtd
@@ -9,14 +9,14 @@
<!ENTITY firstrun_privacy_next "Перайсці да сеткі Tor Network">
<!ENTITY firstrun_tornetwork_tab_title "сетка Tor Network">
<!ENTITY firstrun_tornetwork_title "Вандруйце па дэцэнтралізаванай сетцы">
-<!ENTITY firstrun_tornetwork_message "Tor Browser connects you to the Tor network run by thousands of volunteers around the world. Unlike a VPN, there\'s no one point of failure or centralized entity you need to trust in order to enjoy the internet privately.">
+<!ENTITY firstrun_tornetwork_message "Tor Browser падлучае вас да сеткі Tor network, якая працуе дзякуючы тысячам валанцёрам па ўсім свеце. У адрозненні ад VPN, у сеткі Tor network няма адзінага цэнтру кіравання, які можа даць збой, ці якому вы мусіце давяраць, каб карыстацца інтэрнэтам прыватна. ">
<!ENTITY firstrun_tornetwork_next "Далей">
<!ENTITY firstrun_secsettings_tab_title "Бяспека">
-<!ENTITY firstrun_secsettings_title "Choose your experience.">
-<!ENTITY firstrun_secsettings_message "We also provide you with additional settings for bumping up your browser security. Our Security Settings allow you to block elements that could be used to attack your computer.">
+<!ENTITY firstrun_secsettings_title "Абярыце тое, што вам патрэбна">
+<!ENTITY firstrun_secsettings_message "Мы таксама забяспечылі дадатковыя налады для павышэння бяспекі браўзэра. Нашыя налады бяспекі дазваляюць блакаваць элементы, якія могуць быць выкарыстаныя для атакі вашага кампутара.">
<!ENTITY firstrun_secsettings_next "Далей">
-<!ENTITY firstrun_tips_tab_title "Tips">
-<!ENTITY firstrun_tips_title "Experience Tips.">
+<!ENTITY firstrun_tips_tab_title "Карысныя парады">
+<!ENTITY firstrun_tips_title "Парады па карыстанні">
<!ENTITY firstrun_tips_message "With all the security and privacy features provided by Tor, your experience while browsing the internet may be a little different. Things may be a bit slower and depending on your security level, some elements may not work or load. You may also be asked to prove you are a human and not a robot.">
<!ENTITY firstrun_tips_next "Далей">
<!ENTITY firstrun_onionservices_tab_title "Onions">
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