[tor-commits] [translation/https_everywhere] Update translations for https_everywhere
translation at torproject.org
translation at torproject.org
Mon Apr 11 13:15:21 UTC 2016
commit 476a637c2783166b3eb30c4261becd41dbc50fc0
Author: Translation commit bot <translation at torproject.org>
Date: Mon Apr 11 13:15:20 2016 +0000
Update translations for https_everywhere
et/https-everywhere.dtd | 28 ++++++++++++++--------------
et/ssl-observatory.dtd | 20 ++++++++++----------
2 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)
diff --git a/et/https-everywhere.dtd b/et/https-everywhere.dtd
index 3b288a6..ceb9c2f 100644
--- a/et/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/et/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -7,14 +7,14 @@
<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.librarians "Reeglistiku haldajad">
<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.thanks "Tänud">
<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.many_contributors "Palju-palju kaastöötajaid, sealhulgas">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.noscript "Also, portions of HTTPS Everywhere are based on code from NoScript, by Giorgio Maone and others. We are grateful for their excellent work!">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.noscript "Lisaks, HTTPS Everywhere põhineb osaliselt NoScripti koodil, mille autoriks on Giorgio Maone ja teised. Oleme neile tänulikud nende tubli töö eest!">
<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.contribute "Kui sulle meeldib HTTPS Everywhere, võiksid kaaluda">
<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.donate_tor "Annetust Tor-ile">
<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.tor_lang_code "et">
<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.or "või">
<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.donate_eff "Annetust EFF-ile">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Donate to EFF">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Anneta EFFle">
<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.about "HTTPS Everywhere-ist">
<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Jälgija Eelistused">
<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Luba HTTPS Everywhere">
@@ -38,19 +38,19 @@
<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_default "Taasta vaikeväärtused">
<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.view_xml_source "Vaata XML lähtekoodi">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Experimental rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "May cause warnings or breakage. Disabled by default.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Add a rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Add a new rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Always use https for this host">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Sabiilsed reeglid">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Kohusta krüpteeritud ühendus nende veebisaitidega:">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Eksperimentaalsed reeglid">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "Võivad põhjustada hoiatusi või mitte töötamist. Vaikimisi keelatud.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Lisa reegel sellele saidile">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Lisa uus reegel sellele saidile">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Kasuta selle hostiga alati HTTPSi">
<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Host:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Show advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Hide advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Rule name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Matching regex">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Redirect to">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Kuva täiendavad">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Peida täiendavad">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Reegli nimi">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Vastav regulaaravaldis">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Suuna aadressile">
<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "Katkesta">
diff --git a/et/ssl-observatory.dtd b/et/ssl-observatory.dtd
index adec4dd..da75df6 100644
--- a/et/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ b/et/ssl-observatory.dtd
@@ -42,21 +42,21 @@ kui kasutad sissetungivat korporatiivvõrku:">
"Kui te näete uut sertifikaati, öelge observatooriumile mis ISPsse te olete ühendatud">
<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the "Autonomous System number" of your network. This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
+"See hangib ja saadab su võrgu autonoomse süsteemi numbri. See aitab meil avastada ründeid HTTPSi vastu ja otsustada, kas meid jälgitakse kohtadest nagu Iraan ja Süüria, kus ründed on üsna tavalised.">
<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
"Näita hoiatust kui observatoorium leiab tühistatud sertifikaadi, mida teie brauser ei märganud">
<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
+"See kontrollib, kas saadetud sertifikaat on kirjas tuntud sertifikaaditühistus loendites. Kahjuks ei saa me garanteerida, et me saame märkida kõik tühistatud sertifikaadid, aga kui sa näed hoiatust, siis on üsna kindel, et midagi on valesti.">
<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Valmis">
<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory. This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
+"HTTPS Everywhere võib kasutada EFFi SSL Observatory teenust. See teeb kahte asja: (1)
+saadab HTTPS sertifikaadi koopia observatooriumisse, et tuvastada
+'vahemeest' ja aitab parandada veebi turvalisust; ja (2)
+lubab meil sind hoiatada ebaturvaliste ühenduste või su brauseri vastu suunatud rünnete eest.">
<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
@@ -65,10 +65,10 @@ Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at. Mouseover the options for further details:">
+"Näiteks, kui sa külastada saiti https://www.midagisait.ee, siis observatooriumisse
+jõudnud sertifikaat näitab, et keegi on külastanud aadressi
+www.mingisait.ee, kuid mitte saidi külastajat või millist lehte ta
+seal vaatas. Hiirekursori viimine valikute kohale kuvab lisainfo:">
<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Peida täiendavad sätted">
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