[tor-commits] [translation/torbutton-torbuttonproperties] Update translations for torbutton-torbuttonproperties
translation at torproject.org
translation at torproject.org
Sat Sep 26 05:46:17 UTC 2015
commit 5e38353f61d45d7c4e718deb66699fc75cb3f415
Author: Translation commit bot <translation at torproject.org>
Date: Sat Sep 26 05:45:54 2015 +0000
Update translations for torbutton-torbuttonproperties
he/torbutton.properties | 10 +++++-----
1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
diff --git a/he/torbutton.properties b/he/torbutton.properties
index dd21931..fbeab66 100644
--- a/he/torbutton.properties
+++ b/he/torbutton.properties
@@ -14,11 +14,11 @@ torbutton.panel.plugins.disabled = ×××¥ ××פע×ת ת×ספ××
torbutton.panel.plugins.enabled = ×××¥ ×××××× ×ª×ספ××
torbutton.panel.label.disabled = Tor ×××××
torbutton.panel.label.enabled = Tor פ××¢×
-extensions.torbutton at torproject.org.description = Torbutton provides a button to configure Tor settings and quickly and easily clear private browsing data.
-torbutton.popup.history.warning = Torbutton ××¡× ×¤×¢×××ת ×××× ×©× ××¢× ×××¦× ××ר ×©× Tor.\n\nפע××× ×× × ××¢×× ×עק××£ ×ת ×××××× 409737 ×-417869 ×פ××רפ×קס.\n\n×× ××××¢× ×× × ×¨××ת ××× ×× ×¡×××, ×ת×× ×©××× ××תר×× ×× ×¡× ×××¢×× ×ת עצ×× ×××ש ×רקע, ×פע××× ×× × ×ס××.\n\n××× ×××¢×× ×××ש ×תר ××¢×רת Tor, ×××¥ ×¢× ×× ×ר ×ש×רת ××ת××ת ש××.\n\n
-torbutton.popup.plugin.warning = Torbutton ××¡× ××¢×× × ×©× ×ª××× ×ª×ספ××.\n\n×× × ×שת×ש ××פשר×ת "ש××ר ×ש×" ××ק××.\n\n
-torbutton.popup.confirm_ca_certs = ×ערת Torbutton: × ×¨×× ×©××× ×× ×¨×©×××ת ××ש×ר×× ××ת×××× ××ש×ת. ×××× ×ª רש××ת ×רש×××ת ××× ×¤×¢××× ××××ת ×שר ××××× ×ת Tor. ××× ××ª× ×¨××¦× ×××× ×ת ×××××× ×©× ×ª×¢×××ת ××ס×××ת? (×× ××ª× ×× ×××× ×× ×ת ××, ×× ×××× ×××××¥ ×¢× ××ש×ר)
-torbutton.popup.ff3.warning = ×××ר×!\n\nTorbutton ××פ××¤× Firefox 3 ××××¢ ××××פת ××××¢ ××××ת ×××ר ××× ××¨× Tor.\n\n××× ×רצ×× × ×××ש×× ××ר×ת ××ת?
+extensions.torbutton at torproject.org.description = Torbutton ×ספק ×× ×פת×ר ×××××¨× × ××× ×©× Tor ××× ×ק××× ×××ר ×©× × ×ª×× × ×××××©× ×פר×××× ×©××.
+torbutton.popup.history.warning = Torbutton ××¡× ×¤×¢×××ת ×××× ×©× ××¢× ×××¦× ××ר ×©× Tor.\n\nפע××× ×× × ××¢×× ××××ר ×¢× ××××× 409737 ×-417869 ×פ××רפ×קס.\n\n×× ××××¢× ×× ×¦×¦× ××× ×¡××× × ×¨××ת ××¢××, ××ת×× ×©××× ××תר×× × ××¡× ××¨×¢× × ×ת עצ×× ×רקע, ×פע××× ×× × ×ס××.\n\n××× ××¨×¢× × ×תר ×××¦× Tor ×× ×××× , ×××¥ ×¢× ×קש Enter ××ק××ת ×עת ש×ס×× ××××× ×ש×רת ××ת××ת ××פ×פ×.\n\n
+torbutton.popup.plugin.warning = Torbutton ××¡× ××¢×× × ×ש××¨× ×©× ×ª××× ×ª×ספ××.\n\n×× × ×שת×ש ××פשר×ת "ש××ר ×ש×" ××ק×× ××ת.\n\n
+torbutton.popup.confirm_ca_certs = ×ערת Torbutton: × ×¨×× ×©××× ×× ×¨×©×××ת ××ש×ר×× ××ת×××ת ××ש×ת. ×××× ×ª רש××ת ×רש×××ת ××× ×¤×¢××× ××××ת ×שר ××××× ×ת Tor. ××× ××ª× ×¨××¦× ×××× ×ת ×××××× ×©× ××ש××¨× ×¨×©×××ת ×××ש×ר××? (×× ××× × ×××× ××××¢× ××, ת××× ×××××¥ ×¢× ××ש×ר ××× ×שש)
+torbutton.popup.ff3.warning = ×××ר×!\n\nTorbutton ××פ××¤× Firefox 3 ×××××£ ××××××ת ×ת × ×ª×× × ×××ר ×××× ××ס××× ××ת ××××ת ש××.\n\n××× ×רצ×× × ×××ש×× ××× ××ת?
torbutton.popup.toggle.warning = ×¢××× ××פע×× ×× ××ת×× ×ת Tor ×¢× ×× ×ª ש××××ר×ת ××× ×¡× ×ת×קפ×.
torbutton.popup.test.success = ×××קת ×פר××§×¡× ×©× Tor ×¢××¨× ××צ×××!
torbutton.popup.test.failure = ×××קת ×פר××§×¡× ×©× Tor × ×ש××! ×××ק ×ת ×××ר×ת ×פר××§×¡× ×-Polipo.
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