[tor-commits] [translation/torbutton-torbuttonproperties] Update translations for torbutton-torbuttonproperties

translation at torproject.org translation at torproject.org
Tue Oct 7 08:46:15 UTC 2014

commit eddd42e02cdcd3790ea8778941a5f52e29313c3b
Author: Translation commit bot <translation at torproject.org>
Date:   Tue Oct 7 08:46:17 2014 +0000

    Update translations for torbutton-torbuttonproperties
 hr_HR/torbutton.properties |   16 ++++++++--------
 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/hr_HR/torbutton.properties b/hr_HR/torbutton.properties
index 73d7835..45a3ad6 100644
--- a/hr_HR/torbutton.properties
+++ b/hr_HR/torbutton.properties
@@ -41,17 +41,17 @@ torbutton.popup.pref_error = Torgumb ne može ažurirati postavke u direktoriju
 torbutton.popup.permission_denied = Molimo Vas da ponovno postavite dopuštenja na direktoriju Tor Preglednika ili ga kopirate na novu lokaciju.
 torbutton.popup.device_full = Izgleda da je disk pun. Molimo Vas da oslobodite prostor ili preselite Tor Preglednik na novi uređaj.
 torbutton.title.prompt_torbrowser = Bitne Torgumb informacije
-torbutton.popup.prompt_torbrowser = Torbutton works differently now: you can't turn it off any more.\n\nWe made this change because it isn't safe to use Torbutton in a browser that's also used for non-Tor browsing. There were too many bugs there that we couldn't fix any other way.\n\nIf you want to keep using Firefox normally, you should uninstall Torbutton and download Tor Browser Bundle. The privacy properties of Tor Browser are also superior to those of normal Firefox, even when Firefox is used with Torbutton.\n\nTo remove Torbutton, go to Tools->Addons->Extensions and then click the Remove button next to Torbutton.
-torbutton.popup.short_torbrowser = Important Torbutton Information!\n\nTorbutton is now always enabled.\n\nClick on the Torbutton for more information.
+torbutton.popup.prompt_torbrowser = Torgumb radi drugačije sad: ne možete ga ugasiti više.\n\nNapravili smo ovu promjenu jer nije sigurno koristit Torgumb u pregledniku koji se koristi za ne-Tor pregledavanje. Bilo je previše grešaka koje nismo mogli ispraviti na drugi način.\n\nAko želite nastaviti koristit Firefox normalno, trebali bi deinstalirati Torgumb i skinuti Pkaet Tor Preglednika. Postavke privatnosti Tor Preglednika su superiorne običnom Firefox-u, čak i kad se koristi s Torgumbom.\n\nDa bi maknuli Torgumb, idite na Alati->Dodatci->Ekstenzije te stisnite gumb Ukloni pokraj Torgumba.
+torbutton.popup.short_torbrowser = Važne Torgumb informacije!\n\nTorgumb je sad osposobljen.\n\nStisnite Torgumb za više informacija.
-torbutton.popup.confirm_plugins = Plugins such as Flash can harm your privacy and anonymity.\n\nThey can also bypass Tor to reveal your current location and IP address.\n\nAre you sure you want to enable plugins?\n\n
-torbutton.popup.never_ask_again = Never ask me again
+torbutton.popup.confirm_plugins = Priključci kao što je Flash mogu naštetiti Vašoj privatnosti i anonimnosti.\n\nTakođer mogu zaobići Tor da otkriju Vašu lokaciju i IP adresu.\n\nJeste li sigurni da želite osposobiti priključke?\n\n
+torbutton.popup.never_ask_again = Ne pitaj više
 # Canvas permission prompt. Strings are kept here for ease of translation.
-canvas.siteprompt=This website (%S) attempted to extract HTML5 canvas image data, which may be used to uniquely identify your computer.\n\nShould Tor Browser allow this website to extract HTML5 canvas image data?
-canvas.notNow=Not Now
+canvas.siteprompt=Ova stranica (%S) je pokušala raspakirati podatke HTML5 slike, što može biti iskorišteno da se unikatno identificira Vaše računalo.\n\nTreba li Tor Preglednik dozvoliti raspakiravanje podataka HTML5 slike?
+canvas.notNow=Ne sad
-canvas.allow=Allow in the future
+canvas.allow=Dopusti ubuduće
-canvas.never=Never for this site (recommended)
+canvas.never=Nikad za ovu stranicu (preporučeno)

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