[tor-commits] r26035: {website} replaced outdated StrictExitNodes advice (website/trunk/docs/en)
Moritz Bartl
moritz at torservers.net
Wed Jan 30 20:41:49 UTC 2013
Author: moritz
Date: 2013-01-30 20:41:48 +0000 (Wed, 30 Jan 2013)
New Revision: 26035
replaced outdated StrictExitNodes advice
Modified: website/trunk/docs/en/faq.wml
--- website/trunk/docs/en/faq.wml 2013-01-28 15:58:11 UTC (rev 26034)
+++ website/trunk/docs/en/faq.wml 2013-01-30 20:41:48 UTC (rev 26035)
@@ -1467,22 +1467,14 @@
up your anonymity in ways we don't understand.
- The <tt>EntryNodes</tt> and <tt>ExitNodes</tt> config options are
- treated as a request, meaning if the nodes are down or seem slow,
- Tor will still avoid them. You can make the option mandatory by
- setting <tt>StrictExitNodes 1</tt> or <tt>StrictEntryNodes 1</tt>
- — but if you do, your Tor connections will stop working
- if all of the nodes you have specified become unreachable.
- See the <a href="<page docs/documentation>#NeatLinks">Tor status
- for some nodes you might pick.
+ Note also that not every circuit is used to deliver traffic outside of the Tor network. It is normal to see non-exit circuits (such as those used to connect to hidden services, those that do directory fetches, those used for relay reachability self-tests, and so on) that end at a non-exit node. To keep a node from being used entirely, see <tt>ExcludeNodes</tt> and <tt>StrictNodes</tt> in the <a href="<page docs/tor-manual>">manual</a>.
Instead of <tt>$fingerprint</tt> you can also specify a <a
- letter ISO3166 country code</a> in curly braces (for example {de}),
+ letter ISO3166 country code</a> in curly braces (for example <tt>{de}</tt>),
or an ip address pattern (for example, or a node
nickname. Make sure there are no spaces between the commas and the
list items.
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