[tor-commits] [translation/vidalia_help_completed] Update translations for vidalia_help_completed
translation at torproject.org
translation at torproject.org
Wed Feb 13 09:45:38 UTC 2013
commit fa8448d1704e900e218913a7c35b6e6bf8c85bb6
Author: Translation commit bot <translation at torproject.org>
Date: Wed Feb 13 09:45:37 2013 +0000
Update translations for vidalia_help_completed
eu/config.po | 301 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 files changed, 301 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/eu/config.po b/eu/config.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c7e556
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/config.po
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+# Translators:
+# Antxon Baldarra <baldarra at euskalerria.org>, 2012-2013.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: The Tor Project\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-06-26 16:58+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-02-13 09:42+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Antxon Baldarra <baldarra at euskalerria.org>\n"
+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL at li.org>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: eu\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+#. type: Content of: <html><body><h1>
+#: en/config.html:16
+msgid "Configuring Vidalia and Tor"
+msgstr "Vidalia eta Tor konfiguratzen"
+#. type: Content of: <html><body><p>
+#: en/config.html:20
+msgid ""
+"Vidalia allows you to configure some of the most commonly modified aspects "
+"of Vidalia and Tor. It also lets you set up and manage a <a "
+"href=\"server.html\">Tor relay</a> so you can help the Tor network grow."
+msgstr "Vidaliak gehienetan aldatzen diren Vidalia eta Toren aldeak konfiguratzea baimentzen dizu. Tor sarea hazi dadin <a href=\"server.html\">Tor errele</a> bat ezarri eta kudeatzea ere baimentzen dizu."
+#. type: Content of: <html><body>
+#: en/config.html:26
+msgid "<a name=\"general\"/>"
+msgstr "<a name=\"general\"/>"
+#. type: Content of: <html><body><h3>
+#: en/config.html:27
+msgid "General Settings"
+msgstr "Ezarpen Orokorrak"
+#. type: Content of: <html><body><p>
+#: en/config.html:29
+msgid ""
+"Settings on the <i>General</i> page are the most commonly modified settings."
+msgstr "<i>Orokorra</i> orrialdeko ezarpenak gehienetan aldatutako ezarpenak dira."
+#. type: Content of: <html><body><ul><li>
+#: en/config.html:32
+msgid ""
+"<b>Tor Executable</b>: This is the Tor executable that Vidalia will run when"
+" you select <i>Start</i> from the tray menu. If you have multiple versions "
+"of Tor installed, you can tell Vidalia which version you would like to run "
+"by clicking the <i>Browse</i> button and navigating to the particular Tor "
+"installation you want."
+msgstr "<b>Tor exekutagarria</b>:Hau da Vidaliak exekutatuko duen Tor exekutagarria menuan <i>Hasi</i> hautatzen duzunean. Toren hainbat bertsio instalatuta badituzu, zein bertsio exekutatu nahi duzun Vidaliari esan diezaiokezu <i>Arakatu</i> botoia sakatuz eta nahi duzun Toren instalazio zehatzera nabigatuz."
+#. type: Content of: <html><body><ul><li>
+#: en/config.html:39
+msgid ""
+"<b>Startup Options</b>: This setting allows you to have Vidalia "
+"automatically start Tor when Vidalia starts. You can also configure Vidalia "
+"to run when your system starts (<i>Windows only</i>)."
+msgstr "<b>Abio aukerak</b>: Ezarpen honek Vidalia abiarazterakoan Vidaliak Tor automatikoki abiarazi dezan baimentzen dizu. Vidalia zure sistema hasten denean exekuta dadin konfigura dezakezu ere (<i>Windowsen soilik</i>):"
+#. type: Content of: <html><body>
+#: en/config.html:46
+msgid "<a name=\"network\"/>"
+msgstr "<a name=\"network\"/>"
+#. type: Content of: <html><body><h3>
+#: en/config.html:47
+msgid "Network Settings"
+msgstr "Sare Ezarpenak"
+#. type: Content of: <html><body><p>
+#: en/config.html:49
+msgid ""
+"The <i>Network</i> settings page lets you change how Tor connects to the Tor"
+" network."
+msgstr "<i>Sare</i> ezarpen orriak Torek bere sarera nola konektatzen den aldatzea baimentzen dizu."
+#. type: Content of: <html><body><ul><li>
+#: en/config.html:53
+msgid ""
+"<b>I use a proxy to access the Internet</b>: If your Internet connection "
+"requires an HTTP proxy, you can configure Tor to send all of its directory "
+"requests and Tor relay connections through your proxy. You must specify at "
+"least the hostname or address of your proxy, and the port on which your "
+"proxy is listening for connections. If your proxy requires authentication, "
+"you can also enter the <i>Username</i> and <i>Password</i> you use to "
+"connect to your proxy. Otherwise, you can leave those fields blank."
+msgstr "<b>Proxy bat erabiltzen dut Internetera sartzeko</b>: Zure Internet konexioak HTTP proxy bat behar badu, Torek bere direktorio eskaera eta Tor errele konexio guztiak zure proxyaren bitartez bidali ditzan konfigura dezakezu. Gutxienez zure proxyaren ostalari-izena edo helbidea zehaztu behar duzu, eta zure proxya konexio bila entzutzen dagoen ataka. Zure proxyak autentifikaziorik behar badu, zure proxyra konektatzeko erabiltzen dituzun <i>erabiltzaile izena</i> eta <i>pasahitza sar ditzakezu. Bestela, eremu horiek zuriz huts ditzakezu."
+#. type: Content of: <html><body><ul><li>
+#: en/config.html:62
+msgid ""
+"<b>My firewall only lets me connect to certain ports</b>: If you are behind "
+"a restrictive firewall or proxy that limits the ports you are able to "
+"connect to, you can configure Tor to connect directly only to relays "
+"listening on the ports allowed by your firewall or proxy. Simply enter a "
+"list of ports permitted by your firewall or proxy, separated by commas. "
+"(<i>Example: 80,443,8080</i>)"
+msgstr "<b>Nire firewallak bakarrik ataka zehatz batzuetara konektatzea baimentzen dit</b>: Firewall murritzaile edo konekta zaitezkeen atakak mugatzen dituen proxy baten atzean baldin bazaude, Tor zuzenean zure firewallak edo proxyak baimendutako ataketan entzutzen dauden erreleetara konektatzeko konfiguratu dezakezu. Zure firewallak edo proxyak baimendutako ataken zerrenda bat, komaz bereizita, sar ezazu besterik gabe. (<i>Adibidea: 80,443,8080</i>)"
+#. type: Content of: <html><body><ul><li>
+#: en/config.html:69
+msgid ""
+"<b>My ISP blocks connections to the Tor network</b>: If your ISP (Internet "
+"Service Provider) blocks connections to the Tor network, Tor can attempt to "
+"avoid being filtered by encrypting its directory connections and connecting "
+"to the Tor network through relays called <i>bridges</i> (Tor "
+"or newer only). You can add bridge relays by specifying either their address"
+" and port number, or their address, port number, and fingerprint."
+msgstr "<b>Nire Internet Zerbitzu Hornitzaileak Tor sarera konektatzea blokeatzen dit</b>: Zure ISPak (Interet Zerbitzu Hornitzailea) Tor sarera doazen konexioak blokeatzen badizkizu, Torek bere direktorio konexioak enkriptatuz eta Tor sarera <i>zubiak</i> izeneko erreleen bidez konektatzen saia daiteke iragazia izatea saihesteko (Tor edo berrienetan soilik). Zubi erreleak gehitu ditzakezu bai haien helbide eta ataka zenbakia zehaztuz, edo haien helbide, ataka zenbaki, eta hatz-marka zehaztuz."
+#. type: Content of: <html><body><ul><li>
+#: en/config.html:77
+msgid "Below are examples of valid bridge address formats:"
+msgstr "Azpian zubi helbide formatu baliogarrien adibideak daude:"
+#. type: Content of: <html><body><ul><li><ul><li>
+#: en/config.html:80
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <html><body><ul><li><ul><li>
+#: en/config.html:83
+msgid " 1054 13B1 DBDA F867 B226 74D2 52DF 3D9F A367 1F73"
+msgstr " 1054 13B1 DBDA F867 B226 74D2 52DF 3D9F A367 1F73"
+#. type: Content of: <html><body><ul><li><ul><li>
+#: en/config.html:86
+msgid " 105413B1DBDAF867B22674D252DF3D9FA3671F73"
+msgstr " 105413B1DBDAF867B22674D252DF3D9FA3671F73"
+#. type: Content of: <html><body><ul><li>
+#: en/config.html:89
+msgid ""
+"If connections to normal Tor relays are blocked, then you will need to learn"
+" a bridge relay address somehow and add it here. See the help topic on <a "
+"href=\"bridges.html#finding\">finding bridge relays</a> for more information"
+" on how to learn new bridge relay addresses and fingerprints."
+msgstr "Konexioak Tor errele arruntetara blokeatuta badaude, orduan nolabait zubi errele helbide bat ikasi eta hemen gehitu beharko duzu. Ikusi <a href=\"bridges.html#finding\">zubi erreleak bilatzen</a> laguntza gaia zubi errele helbideak eta hatz-markak nola ikasi behar diren inguruko informazio gehiagorako."
+#. type: Content of: <html><body>
+#: en/config.html:100
+msgid "<a name=\"relay\"/>"
+msgstr "<a name=\"relay\"/>"
+#. type: Content of: <html><body><h3>
+#: en/config.html:101
+msgid "Relay Settings"
+msgstr "Errele Ezarpenak"
+#. type: Content of: <html><body><p>
+#: en/config.html:103
+msgid ""
+"<i> See <a href=\"server.html\">this help topic</a> for detailed information"
+" about setting up and managing a Tor relay. </i>"
+msgstr "<i>Ikusi <a href=\"server.html\">laguntza gai hau</a> Tor errele bat nola konfiguratu eta kudeatzeari buruzko informazioa lortzeko</i>"
+#. type: Content of: <html><body>
+#: en/config.html:109
+msgid "<a name=\"appearance\"/>"
+msgstr "<a name=\"appearance\"/>"
+#. type: Content of: <html><body><h3>
+#: en/config.html:110
+msgid "Appearance Settings"
+msgstr "Itxura Ezarpenak"
+#. type: Content of: <html><body><p>
+#: en/config.html:112
+msgid ""
+"The settings on the <i>Appearance</i> page allow you to customize the look "
+"and feel of Vidalia."
+msgstr "<i>Itxura</i> orriko ezarpenak Vidaliaren itxura pertsonalizatzea baimentzen dizu."
+#. type: Content of: <html><body><ul><li>
+#: en/config.html:116
+msgid ""
+"<b>Language</b>: Vidalia's interface has been translated into many languages"
+" by helpful volunteers. When Vidalia is first run, it will try to guess "
+"which language your computer is currently using. If Vidalia guesses "
+"incorrectly, or if you prefer a different language, you can choose another "
+"language from the dropdown box. You will need to restart Vidalia after "
+"changing the displayed language for the changes to take effect."
+msgstr "<b>Hizkuntza</b>: Vidaliaren interfazea hainbat hizkuntzetara itzuli da bolondres lagungarriei esker. Vidalia lehen aldiz hasten denean, zure ordenagailua zein hizkuntza erabiltzen ari den asmatzen saiatuko da. Vidaliak asmatzen ez badu edo hizkuntza ezberdin bat nahiago baduzu, beste bat hautatu dezakezu goitibehera kutxatik. Vidalia berrabiarazi beharko duzu erakutsitako hizkuntza aldatu ostean aldaketak efektua egin dezan."
+#. type: Content of: <html><body><ul><li>
+#: en/config.html:124
+msgid ""
+"<b>Style</b>: In most cases, Vidalia will default to using your platform's "
+"default interface style. If you dislike the default, you can choose "
+"whichever interface style you prefer from the dropdown box."
+msgstr "<b>Estiloa</b>: Kasu gehienetan, Vidaliak zure plataformaren lehenetsiko interfaze estiloa erabiliko du. Lehenetsia gustoko ez baduzu, goitibeherako zerrendako edozein interfaze estiloa aukera dezakezu."
+#. type: Content of: <html><body>
+#: en/config.html:131
+msgid "<a name=\"advanced\"/>"
+msgstr "<a name=\"advanced\"/>"
+#. type: Content of: <html><body><h3>
+#: en/config.html:132
+msgid "Advanced Settings"
+msgstr "Ezarpen Aurreratuak"
+#. type: Content of: <html><body><p>
+#: en/config.html:134
+msgid ""
+"The settings on the <i>Advanced</i> page should generally only be modified "
+"by more experienced users."
+msgstr "<i>Aurreratua</i> orriko ezarpenak oro har esperientzi gehiago duten erabiltzaileek bakarrik aldatu beharko lituzkete."
+#. type: Content of: <html><body><ul><li>
+#: en/config.html:138
+msgid ""
+"<b>Control Address & Port</b>: The <i>Control Port</i> is the port which"
+" Vidalia uses to talk to Tor. This doesn't need to be changed unless you "
+"have a conflict with another service on your machine, or if you are using "
+"Vidalia to control and monitor a Tor process running on another machine."
+msgstr "<b>Ataka helbide kontrola</b>: <i>Kontrol ataka</i> Vidaliak Tori hitzegiteko erabiltzen duen ataka da. Hau ez dago aldatu beharrik zure ordenagailuan beste zerbitzu batekin gatazkarik ez duzun bitartean, edo Vidalia beste ordenagailu batean exekutatzen ari den beste Tor prozesu bat kontrolatu eta monitorizatzeko erabiltzen ez baduzu."
+#. type: Content of: <html><body><ul><li>
+#: en/config.html:144
+msgid ""
+"<b>Control Port Authentication</b>: Control port authentication is used to "
+"limit the applications on your machine that can connect to and reconfigure "
+"your Tor installation. The available authentication methods are:"
+msgstr "<b>Kontrol ataka autentifikazioa</b>: Kontrol ataka autentifikazioa zure ordenagailuko aplikazioek zure Tor instalaziora konektatu eta birkonfiguratu dezatela mugatzeko erabiltzen da. Eskuragarri dauden autentifikazio metodoak hauek dira:"
+#. type: Content of: <html><body><ul><li><ul><li>
+#: en/config.html:150
+msgid ""
+"<b>None</b> -- No authentication is required. Use of this option is "
+"<b>strongly</b> discouraged. Any application or user on your computer can "
+"reconfigure your Tor installation."
+msgstr "<b>Bat ere ez</b> -- Ez da beharrezkoa autentifikaziorik. Hau ez erabiltzea <b>biziki</b> gomendatua dago. Zure ordenagailuko edozein aplikazio edi erabiltzaile zure Tor instalazioa berkonfiguratu dezake."
+#. type: Content of: <html><body><ul><li><ul><li>
+#: en/config.html:155
+msgid ""
+"<b>Password</b> <i>(Default)</i> -- If this method is selected, you can "
+"specify a password that Tor will require each time a user or application "
+"connects to Tor's control port. If Vidalia starts Tor for you, you can have "
+"Vidalia randomly generate a new password each time it starts Tor by checking"
+" the <i>Randomly Generate</i> checkbox."
+msgstr "<b>Pasahitza</b> <i>(Lehenetsia)</i> -- Metodo hau hautatua badago, erabiltzaile edo aplikazioren bat Toren kontrol atakara konektatzen den bakoitzean Torek eskatuko duen pasahitz bat zehaztu dezakezu. Vidaliak Tor zuretzako abiarazten badu, Vidaliak Tor abiarazten duen bakoitzean ausazko pasahitz berri bat sor dezan egin dezakezu <i>Ausaz sortu</i> kontrol-laukia markatuz."
+#. type: Content of: <html><body><ul><li><ul><li>
+#: en/config.html:162
+msgid ""
+"<b>Cookie</b> -- If cookie authentication is selected, Tor will write a file"
+" (or, <i>cookie</i>) containing random bytes to its data directory when it "
+"starts. Any user or application that tries to connect to Tor's control port "
+"must be able to provide the contents of this cookie."
+msgstr "<b>Cookie-a</b> -- Cookie autentifikazioa hautatuta badago, Torek ausazko bytez osatutako fitxategi (edo, <i>cookie</i>) bat idatziko du bere datu direktorioan hasten denean. Toren kontrol atakara konektatzen saiatzen den edozein erabiltzaile edo aplikazio cookie-aren edukiak hornitzeko gai izan behar da."
+#. type: Content of: <html><body><ul><li>
+#: en/config.html:170
+msgid ""
+"<b>Tor Configuration File</b> <i>(optional)</i>: You can use this option to "
+"have Vidalia start Tor using a specific <i>torrc</i>, Tor's configuration "
+"file. If you leave this field blank, Tor will uses its own default torrc "
+msgstr "<b>Tor konfigurazio fitxategia</b> <i>(aukerakoa)</i>: Aukera hau Vidaliak Tor <i>torrc</i>, Toren konfigurazio fitxategi, zehatz bat erabiliz abiarazi dezan erabili dezakezu. Eremu hau hursik uzten baduzu, Torek bere lehenetsitako torrc kokalekua erabiltzen du."
+#. type: Content of: <html><body><ul><li>
+#: en/config.html:175
+msgid ""
+"<b>Tor Data Directory</b> <i>(optional)</i>: You can specify the directory "
+"in which Tor will store its saved data, such as cached Tor relay "
+"information, Tor relay keys, and configuration files. If you leave this "
+"field blank, Tor will use its own default data directory location."
+msgstr "<b>Tor datu direktorioa</b> <i>(aukerakoa)</i>; Torek bere gordetako datuak zein direktoriotan gordeko dituen zehaztu dezakezu, cache-atutako Tor errele informazioa, Tor errele gakoak eta konfigurazio fitxategiak bezala. Eremu hau hutsik uzten baduzu, Torek bere lehentsitako direktorio kokalekua erabiliko du."
+#. type: Content of: <html><body><ul><li>
+#: en/config.html:181
+msgid ""
+"<b>Permissions</b> <i>(optional, not available on Windows)</i>: If you enter"
+" a value for <b>Run as User</b>, Tor will <i>setuid</i> to this user when it"
+" starts. If you enter a value for <b>Run as Group</b>, Tor will "
+"<i>setgid</i> to this group when it starts."
+msgstr "<b>Baimenak</b> <i>(aukerakoa, Windowsen ez eskuragarri)</i>:<b>Erabiltzaile bezala exekutatu</b>rentzako balioren bat sartzen baduzu, Torek <i>setuid</i> egingo du erabiltzaile horretarako hasten denean. <b>Talde bezala exekutatu</b>rentzako balioren bat sartzen baduzu, Torek <i>setgid</i> egingo su talde horretarako hasten denean."
+#. type: Content of: <html><body>
+#: en/config.html:189
+msgid "<a name=\"services\"/>"
+msgstr "<a name=\"services\"/>"
+#. type: Content of: <html><body><h3>
+#: en/config.html:190
+msgid "Hidden Service Settings"
+msgstr "Ezkutu Zerbitzuen Ezarpenak"
+#. type: Content of: <html><body><p>
+#: en/config.html:192
+msgid ""
+"Hidden services allow you to provide any kind of TCP-based service, e.g. an"
+" HTTP service, to others without revealing your IP address."
+msgstr "Ezkutuko zerbitzuak TCPn oinarritutako edozein zerbitzu hornitzea baimentzen dizute, adib. HTTP zerbitzu bat besteentzat, zure IP helbidea erakutsi gabe."
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