[tor-bugs] #4771 [BridgeDB]: bridgedb should make clearer in its logs which addresses it knows are from bulk-exitlist
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Mon Mar 30 01:08:17 UTC 2015
#4771: bridgedb should make clearer in its logs which addresses it knows are from
Reporter: arma | Owner: isis
Type: defect | Status: needs_information
Priority: minor | Milestone:
Component: BridgeDB | Version:
Resolution: | Keywords: isis2015Q1Q2, isisExB, isisExC
Actual Points: | Parent ID:
Points: |
Comment (by isis):
I am considering changing the way we treat clients making requests from
Tor exits. Actually, I'm questioning if this has ever worked.
The part of BridgeDB's codebase where this is supposed to happen is buried
deep in `lib/bridgedb/Dist.py`, in a function that I've hardly touched,
and which still contains code from when Nick wrote BridgeDB and the code
was kept in SVN. The function is
`bridgedb.Dist.IPBasedDistributor.getBridgesForIP()`, and it currently
looks like:
def getBridgesForIP(self, ip, epoch, N=1, countryCode=None,
"""Return a list of bridges to give to a user.
:param str ip: The user's IP address, as a dotted quad.
:param str epoch: The time period when we got this request. This
be any string, so long as it changes with every
:param int N: The number of bridges to try to give back. (default:
:param str countryCode: The two-letter geoip country code of the
client's IP address. If given, the client will be placed in
"area". Clients within the same area receive the same bridges
period. If not given, the **ip** is truncated to it's CIDR /24
representation and used as the "area". (default: None)
:param list bridgeFilterRules: A list of callables used filter the
bridges returned in the response to
client. See
:rtype: list
:return: A list of :class:`~bridgedb.Bridges.Bridge`s to include
the response. See
for an example of how this is used.
logging.info("Attempting to return %d bridges to client %s..."
% (N, ip))
if not bridgeFilterRules:
if not len(self.splitter):
logging.warn("Bailing! Splitter has zero bridges!")
return []
logging.debug("Bridges in splitter:\t%d" % len(self.splitter))
logging.debug("Client request epoch:\t%s" % epoch)
logging.debug("Active bridge filters:\t%s"
% ' '.join([x.func_name for x in
area = self.areaMapper(ip)
logging.debug("IP mapped to area:\t%s"
% logSafely("{0}.0/24".format(area)))
key1 = ''
pos = 0
n = self.nClusters
# only one of ip categories or area clustering is active
# try to match the request to an ip category
for category in self.categories:
# IP Categories
if category.contains(ip):
g = filterAssignBridgesToRing(self.splitter.hmac,
self.nClusters +
logging.info("category<%s>%s", epoch, logSafely(area))
pos = self.areaOrderHmac("category<%s>%s" % (epoch, area))
key1 = getHMAC(self.splitter.key,
"Order-Bridges-In-Ring-%d" % n)
n += 1
# if no category matches, use area clustering
# IP clustering
h = int( self.areaClusterHmac(area)[:8], 16)
# length of numClusters
clusterNum = h % self.nClusters
g = filterAssignBridgesToRing(self.splitter.hmac,
self.nClusters +
pos = self.areaOrderHmac("<%s>%s" % (epoch, area))
key1 = getHMAC(self.splitter.key,
"Order-Bridges-In-Ring-%d" % clusterNum)
# try to find a cached copy
ruleset = frozenset(bridgeFilterRules)
# See if we have a cached copy of the ring,
# otherwise, add a new ring and populate it
if ruleset in self.splitter.filterRings.keys():
logging.debug("Cache hit %s" % ruleset)
_, ring = self.splitter.filterRings[ruleset]
# else create the ring and populate it
logging.debug("Cache miss %s" % ruleset)
ring = bridgedb.Bridges.BridgeRing(key1,
# get an appropriate number of bridges
numBridgesToReturn = getNumBridgesPerAnswer(ring,
answer = ring.getBridges(pos, numBridgesToReturn)
return answer
A couple things to note:
* The `countryCode` parameter is entirely unused. What was it for?
The only place in BridgeDB's code where
`IPBasedDistributor.getBridgesForIP()` is called is in
`bridgedb.HTTPServer.WebResourceBridges.getBridgeRequestAnswer()`, where
the `countryCode` is passed in, and it is the two-letter geoIP countryCode
for the client's IP address.
Are we supposed to be grouping clients by which country they are coming
from? Shouldn't we group them by whether or they are coming from Tor or
another known open proxy, and if not, what country they are coming from?
Or was the `countryCode` parameter supposed to be the country which the
bridge shouldn't be blocked in?
(By the way, the docstring was written by me. It was my best guess as
to what `countryCode` was supposed to be for. There was previously no
documentation on it.)
* Should we still be grouping clients by `/24`s? What adversary is that
effective against? I realise that it isn't very difficult to get a class C
subnet, but it isn't very difficult to get addresses in different `/24`s.
Should we make the groups bigger, i.e. group clients by which `/16` they
are coming from?
* Why are we still using the `/24` (the `area`) in the code for serving
bridges to clients coming from Tor exits? This means that changing your
exit node would get you different bridges. (But not the same bridges as
people not using Tor.)
* It seems like a lot of these bugs come from
commit f022b905ca01a193aabd4d78107f27fce85c40cd] which implemented #4297
and is where this whole business of making an "IPv5 hashring" and putting
Tor users in it came from… we should probably look at the other changes in
that commit and review them.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/4771#comment:14>
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