[tor-bugs] #16465 [Tor Browser]: windows get resized when not desired

Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki blackhole at torproject.org
Thu Jul 9 10:52:20 UTC 2015

#16465: windows get resized when not desired
     Reporter:  arthuredelstein  |      Owner:  tbb-team
         Type:  defect           |     Status:  new
     Priority:  normal           |  Milestone:
    Component:  Tor Browser      |    Version:
   Resolution:                   |   Keywords:  tbb-usability
Actual Points:                   |  Parent ID:
       Points:                   |

Comment (by Diapolo):

 Well this is not as clear as I thought it was yesterday. Sometimes the
 browser on startup refuses to stop resizing, sometimes it stays disabled.
 Also I'm not using the default set private-mode for Tor Browser, that
 could also be related in terms of session storage problems perhaps. Anyway
 this is not smooth yet and I'd still suggest an UI option for the resizing

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/16465#comment:4>
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