[tor-bugs] #12493 [Tor]: why do I have an exit flag?

Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki blackhole at torproject.org
Sun Jun 29 13:53:47 UTC 2014

#12493: why do I have an exit flag?
 Reporter:  rdewald  |          Owner:
     Type:  defect   |         Status:  new
 Priority:  normal   |      Milestone:
Component:  Tor      |        Version:  Tor:
 Keywords:           |  Actual Points:
Parent ID:           |         Points:
 I have reject*:* set in torrc and the atlas says I have an exit flag.


 here's my torrc:

 NB:  the wiki formatting for the below text file WAS being corrupted by
 the characters used to obscure my e-mail address text string before I put
 in the wiki formatting for preformatted text (I did not choose/enter those
 characters, I think the arm wizard may have done that obsfucation for me),
 could that be related to this issue?


 # This is a tor configuration made by arm. To change the configuration by
 # edit this file then either...
 # - tell arm to reset tor by pressing 'x'
 # - run 'pkill -sighup tor'
 # - or restart tor
 # Descriptions of all of these configuration attributes (and many more)
 # available in the tor man page.

 DataDirectory /var/lib/tor/.arm/tor_data # location to store runtime data
 Log notice file /var/lib/tor/.arm/tor_log # location to log notices,
 warnings, and errors
 ControlPort 9052              # port controllers can connect to
 CookieAuthentication 1        # method for controller authentication
 RunAsDaemon 1                 # runs as a background process

 ORPort 9001                   # port used for relaying traffic
 DirPort 9030                  # port used for mirroring directory
 Nickname rdewald              # name for this relay
 ContactInfo rdewald{---At>>}rdewald[_doT__]com # contact information in
 case there's an issue
 ExitPolicy reject *:*         # prevents us from connecting to non-relays
 DisableDebuggerAttachment 0   # Makes lsof and netstat work


Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/12493>
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