[tor-announce] New Release: Tor Browser 14.0 (Android, Windows, macOS, Linux)
morgan at torproject.org
Tue Oct 22 21:03:06 UTC 2024
Hi everyone,
Tor Browser 14.0 has now been published for all platforms. For details
please see our blog post:
- https://blog.torproject.org/new-release-tor-browser-140/
> Tor Browser 14.0 - October 17 2024
> * All Platforms
> * Bug 30543: compat: make spoofed orientation reflect spoofed screen dimensions [1607032 + 1918202] [tor-browser]
> * Bug 30862: 10ms time precision via EXSLT date-time function [tor-browser]
> * Bug 41328: Follow firefox ESMify for Bug 1308512 [tor-browser]
> * Bug 42054: ESR128: investigate - thorin's list [tor-browser]
> * Bug 42220: Flip all the possible preferences to prevent any automatic download [tor-browser]
> * Bug 42255: pdfjs.disabled used to be part of RFP until Bug 1838415; lock pref to false in stable [tor-browser]
> * Bug 42356: Review 000-tor-browser.js and 001-base-profile.js for 128 [tor-browser]
> * Bug 42601: Check Bug 1894779: Allow font-face urls to be resource:// urls and relax CORS for resource:// URLs [tor-browser]
> * Bug 42611: Set clipboard.imageAsFile.enabled to false [tor-browser]
> * Bug 42646: Drop patch for tor-browser#40166 [tor-browser]
> * Bug 42683: Create script to generate issue triage csv's from bugzilla query and git scraping [tor-browser]
> * Bug 42684: Disable network prefetch [tor-browser]
> * Bug 42685: compat: ESR128: enable textmetrics [tor-browser]
> * Bug 42716: Disable unwanted about:* pages [tor-browser]
> * Bug 42730: Make RemoteSettings use only local dumps [tor-browser]
> * Bug 42746: Extend prefers-contrast rules to include forced-colors [tor-browser]
> * Bug 42759: CI: remove localization file names that are in neither 14.0 nor 13.5 branches [tor-browser]
> * Bug 42814: Opt out from Firefox relay by default. [tor-browser]
> * Bug 42830: Enable WebAudio APIs [tor-browser]
> * Bug 42831: Remove the shopping components [tor-browser]
> * Bug 42867: Disable contentRelevancy component [tor-browser]
> * Bug 43011: Ship only one copy of the MIT license, like upstream. [tor-browser]
> * Bug 43012: Mixed content: browser requests HTTPS images from onion domain accessed via HTTP [tor-browser]
> * Bug 43013: security.mixed_content.upgrade_display_content.image is true by default [tor-browser]
> * Bug 43054: check bounceTrackingProtection in PB mode does not persist to disk [tor-browser]
> * Bug 43074: Pass the browser to TorDomainIsolator.newCircuitForBrowser [tor-browser]
> * Bug 43144: Ensure non-privacy browsing also sets the GPC header [tor-browser]
> * Bug 43163: Disable offscreen canvas until verified it is not fingerprintable [tor-browser]
> * Bug 43170: Disable user-agent spoofing in HTTP header [tor-browser]
> * Bug 43178: Audit fingerprinting overrides (MozBug 1834274) [tor-browser]
> * Bug 43184: Backport Bugzilla 1922294: RFP: fixup square spoofed orientation [tor-browser]
> * Bug 43197: Disable automatic exception for HTTPS-First [tor-browser]
> * Windows + macOS + Linux
> * Updated Firefox to 128.3.0esr
> * Updated NoScript to 11.4.42
> * Bug 40147: Re-enable Picture-in-Picture mode [tor-browser]
> * Bug 41309: Re-enable screenshots component [tor-browser]
> * Bug 41811: Primary buttons that result in a connection attempt should be purple [tor-browser]
> * Bug 41817: Add more color aliases that take dark mode into account [tor-browser]
> * Bug 41820: Downloads warning styling improvements (use moz-message-bar) [tor-browser]
> * Bug 42070: Backport Bugzilla 1834307 and hide smooth-scroll UX [tor-browser]
> * Bug 42212: Fluent migration: onion services [tor-browser]
> * Bug 42362: "New window" missing from File menu [tor-browser]
> * Bug 42441: Evaluate RR version-by-RR version rebases instead of ESR-to-ESR [tor-browser]
> * Bug 42488: ESR 128: Remove role="code" from tor circuit panel [tor-browser]
> * Bug 42603: Remove safebrowsing URLs [tor-browser]
> * Bug 42612: Re-implement moz-toggle customizations for ESR 128 [tor-browser]
> * Bug 42617: Restore the HTML form on DDG when using safest in 128 [tor-browser]
> * Bug 42629: Tweak `isOnNewTabPage` patch [tor-browser]
> * Bug 42630: Review LaterRun in 128 [tor-browser]
> * Bug 42640: Disable Firefox Flame button due to unknown interactions with New Identity [tor-browser]
> * Bug 42641: Move from panel-footer class to moz-button-group [tor-browser]
> * Bug 42643: downloads panel separator has mismatched margin [tor-browser]
> * Bug 42644: toolbar rules in panelUI-shared.css are unneccessary [tor-browser]
> * Bug 42647: "Switching to a new device" regressed on 128 [tor-browser]
> * Bug 42653: The Neterror page has a checkbox to report iframe origin errors to TPO [tor-browser]
> * Bug 42662: Use data-hidden-from-search for hiding the firefox connection settings [tor-browser]
> * Bug 42663: Tor Browser "Connection" settings missing a tooltip [tor-browser]
> * Bug 42665: Drop "Learn More" spacing [tor-browser]
> * Bug 42667: Add description-deemphasized class to our additions to about:preferences [tor-browser]
> * Bug 42679: Use a more robust approach to hide the "tracking protection" urlbar button [tor-browser]
> * Bug 42687: Disable Privacy-Preserving Attribution [tor-browser]
> * Bug 42695: Use `--arrowpanel-` variables for tor circuit panel spacing [tor-browser]
> * Bug 42698: Bridge card background contrast is low for bridge-moji [tor-browser]
> * Bug 42699: Drop level="top" attribute from panels [tor-browser]
> * Bug 42700: Remove !nodes condition from gTorCircuitPanel._updateCurrentBrowser [tor-browser]
> * Bug 42704: Drop the badged="true" attribute from security level button [tor-browser]
> * Bug 42705: Update our preferences to account for new line height [tor-browser]
> * Bug 42713: Some --in-content CSS variables were renamed/removed [tor-browser]
> * Bug 42718: Remove the firefox-view button from UI, even when always-on private-browsing mode is disabled [tor-browser]
> * Bug 42735: Disable recent search suggestions [tor-browser]
> * Bug 42740: Stop trying to hide "Restore previous session" [tor-browser]
> * Bug 42742: Inconsistent use of "New private window" vs "New window" [tor-browser]
> * Bug 42743: Invalid onion sites are shown as secure in the page info window [tor-browser]
> * Bug 42744: Light theme override for "about:tor" is inherited by chrome error pages. [tor-browser]
> * Bug 42745: Remove some residuals from update scripts [tor-browser]
> * Bug 42764: Unconditionally disable find-bar transition animation [tor-browser]
> * Bug 42777: Remove 'Website Privacy Preferences' and ensure sensible default prefs [tor-browser]
> * Bug 42803: Lost focus styling for built-in bridges radio options [tor-browser]
> * Bug 42806: Use the `lh` CSS unit [tor-browser]
> * Bug 42872: Disable translations until audited and solved the UX problems [tor-browser]
> * Bug 43015: Missing region-name-skr fluent entry when fetching TorConnect country names [tor-browser]
> * Bug 43067: Use html:link rather than xml-stylesheet in our dialogs [tor-browser]
> * Bug 43071: Make sure "tor-button" elements that are also "primary" still use the tor colors [tor-browser]
> * Bug 43072: moz-message-bar does not get announced on Orca screen-reader [tor-browser]
> * Bug 43075: Should we drop link spacing in about:tor [tor-browser]
> * Bug 43081: Remove hard-coded CSS `line-height` [tor-browser]
> * Bug 43082: Search engine icon is not shown while typing in the address bar [tor-browser]
> * Bug 43083: Backport fix for Mozilla 1436462 [tor-browser]
> * Bug 43087: Onion pattern on about:torconnect needs a dark theme asset [tor-browser]
> * Bug 43103: Verify whether an update is unsupported before choosing one [tor-browser]
> * Bug 43104: Local files and extensions can't be loaded in new windows before bootstrap [tor-browser]
> * Bug 43105: Migrating Disconnect is not needed anymore [tor-browser]
> * Bug 43109: Remove mention of Firefox Relay from settings [tor-browser]
> * Bug 43115: Height of search bar has collapsed on about:tor [tor-browser]
> * Bug 43117: Hide 'Always underline links' option [tor-browser]
> * Bug 43118: hide CFR [tor-browser]
> * Bug 43131: Reduce layout jank when loading about:tor [tor-browser]
> * Bug 43134: Backport Bugzilla 1436226 Hardcode VP8/VP9 [tor-browser]
> * Bug 43164: Prevent search-bar from being auto-hidden when not used for awhile [tor-browser]
> * Bug 43169: compat: align userAgent in navigator + HTTP Header [tor-browser]
> * Bug 43174: Issue with custom home page on local filesystem [tor-browser]
> * Bug 43209: UI freezes when clipboard is empty after screen lock [tor-browser]
> * Bug 43217: Fullscreen videos have rounded letterboxing corners [tor-browser]
> * Bug 43218: Switch to browser.reload, since Browser:Reload signal was dropped upstream [tor-browser]
> * Bug 41248: Check and update bundled font versions [tor-browser-build]
> * Windows + macOS
> * Bug 43021: Revert the OS deprecation notification introduced in #42347 [tor-browser]
> * macOS + Linux
> * Bug 42467: Make OS HTTP User-Agent OS spoofing configurable by pref [tor-browser]
> * Windows
> * Bug 43051: windows: remove UI for "open Tor Browser automatically when computer starts" [tor-browser]
> * macOS
> * Bug 42494: mac: add Arial Black and Arial Narrow to allowlist [tor-browser]
> * Linux
> * Bug 42702: Cannot access the clipboard for the crypto address check (wayland) [tor-browser]
> * Bug 42773: Replace ~ with the original HOME [tor-browser]
> * Bug 43092: Disable Wayland by default in 14.0 [tor-browser]
> * Bug 43101: Security features warning links to Firefox installation support page with incomplete info [tor-browser]
> * Bug 43141: Hardcode Arimo as a system-ui font [tor-browser]
> * Bug 43196: Remove the vendor name from the "is playing media" notification on Linux [tor-browser]
> * Bug 41237: Add some aliases to our Linux font config for compatibility [tor-browser-build]
> * Android
> * Updated GeckoView to 128.3.0esr
> * Bug 41550: Remove unused extensions from Tor Browser for Android [tor-browser]
> * Bug 42386: Remove unused assets to reduce APK size [tor-browser]
> * Bug 42590: “Tor browser” text in top left of home fragment/new tab view gets cut off with larger text sizes [tor-browser]
> * Bug 42655: Implement "New circuit for this site" on Android [tor-browser]
> * Bug 42660: Review the patch on Android's ProxySelector [tor-browser]
> * Bug 42731: Verify `privacy.spoof_english` still works once we have Android builds [tor-browser]
> * Bug 42954: Remove product recommendation API integration (Review Mozilla 1857215) [tor-browser]
> * Bug 43006: Disable RFP for Font Visibility on Android [tor-browser]
> * Bug 43016: Re-disable Nimbus [tor-browser]
> * Bug 43043: Remove credit card autofill UI elements from menu [tor-browser]
> * Bug 43048: Firefox logo on splash [tor-browser]
> * Bug 43050: Center text in connect buttons [tor-browser]
> * Bug 43052: Remove non private tabs icon and "other device tabs" from tab view [tor-browser]
> * Bug 43057: fenix/.../search/list.json failing linting [tor-browser]
> * Bug 43078: Disable Sharing Links to TBA [tor-browser]
> * Bug 43088: Query stripping is disabled on Android [tor-browser]
> * Bug 43094: Remove "Open in regular tab" button [tor-browser]
> * Bug 43097: NoScript fails to install on Android [tor-browser]
> * Bug 43102: Android notifications tell to make Firefox your default browser [tor-browser]
> * Bug 43108: Backport Android fullscreen notifications refactoring on ESR128 [tor-browser]
> * Bug 43114: Reader view uses the catch-all circuit on Android [tor-browser]
> * Bug 43116: The lack of GeoIP databases produces a lot of spam in the console on Android [tor-browser]
> * Bug 43128: Use DuckDuckGo HTML on the Safest security level for Android [tor-browser]
> * Bug 43129: about:neterror cannot display SVG on Android with Security Level Safest [tor-browser]
> * Bug 43132: Enable extensions installation on Tor Browser 14 for Android. [tor-browser]
> * Bug 43146: Update the icon of DuckDuckGo onion search engine on Android [tor-browser]
> * Bug 43147: Remove unused search plugins from the apk files [tor-browser]
> * Bug 43172: remove remote settings and SERPTelemetry [tor-browser]
> * Bug 43202: Extensions page unnecessarily fetches recommended addons on Android [tor-browser]
> * Bug 43223: Hide option to open bookmarks in non-private tabs on Android [tor-browser]
> * Bug 43225: Hide non-private tab settings and history search on Android [tor-browser]
> * Bug 43227: Hide the Firefox Suggest label above search suggestions on Android [tor-browser]
> * Bug 43228: Fix the "What's new" URL and text on Android [tor-browser]
> * Bug 41223: Tor Browser Alpha version not displayed correctly [tor-browser-build]
> * Build System
> * All Platforms
> * Updated Go to 1.22.8
> * Bug 42722: clang-format and localization linters are not running [tor-browser]
> * Bug 42799: Do not run lint pipelines on new tag [tor-browser]
> * Bug 43014: Add purgecaches to the dev build [tor-browser]
> * Bug 43156: Update translation CI to account for the extended 13.5 release [tor-browser]
> * Bug 43157: Move tb-dev to base-browser [tor-browser]
> * Bug 43181: Run translation CI if there is a change in a string.xml file [tor-browser]
> * Bug 41013: Add a README to each project [tor-browser-build]
> * Bug 41096: Set SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH in the default env variables [tor-browser-build]
> * Bug 41155: Update toolchains for ESR128 [tor-browser-build]
> * Bug 41156: Split the Rust configuration options [tor-browser-build]
> * Bug 41180: Some files do not need to be copied when building tor-expert-bundle [tor-browser-build]
> * Bug 41188: Upgrade binutils to 2.41 [tor-browser-build]
> * Bug 41189: Add matzfan to list of downstream projects in alpha release-prep template [tor-browser-build]
> * Bug 41195: Update Go to 1.22 [tor-browser-build]
> * Bug 41198: Update release-prep issue template to include notifiying anti-censorship team of package name changes for GetTor distributor [tor-browser-build]
> * Bug 41203: Tor Blog generation script uses the wrong url scheme for alpha releases [tor-browser-build]
> * Bug 41236: Remove binutils when not needed [tor-browser-build]
> * Bug 41273: relprep.py: bump Firefox and GV to a (yet) non-existing tag when the last one does not match HEAD [tor-browser-build]
> * Bug 41274: Improve fetch_changelogs.py for major releases [tor-browser-build]
> * Bug 40078: Update tools/tb-build-06-start-nightly-build after tor-browser-build#40829 [tor-browser-bundle-testsuite]
> * Windows + macOS + Linux
> * Bug 42668: Drop torconnect rule in eslint-plugin-mozilla [tor-browser]
> * Bug 41247: Adapt tools/update-responses/update_responses to support multiple versions in the same xml files [tor-browser-build]
> * Bug 41256: tools/signing/upload-update_responses-to-staticiforme should regenerate update-responses when it already exists [tor-browser-build]
> * Bug 41259: Don't try to generate incrementals for versions which don't set incremental_from [tor-browser-build]
> * Bug 41270: Add updater rewriterules to make 13.5.7 a watershed [tor-browser-build]
> * Windows + macOS
> * Bug 41197: Modify update-responses to prevent upgrades on unsupported Windows and macOS versions [tor-browser-build]
> * Windows
> * Bug 29318: Drop mingw-w64/gcc toolchain [tor-browser-build]
> * Bug 29320: Use mingw-w64/clang toolchain to build Rust [tor-browser-build]
> * Bug 41185: Drop Windows 7 support for 14.0 from build tools [tor-browser-build]
> * Bug 41201: Bump the Windows version checked by the installer [tor-browser-build]
> * macOS
> * Bug 41267: Go dropping support for macOS <= 11.0 in Go 1.23 [tor-browser-build]
> * Android
> * Bug 42480: Use translation CI in android [tor-browser]
> * Bug 40544: Bump Java 8 version to something more recent [tor-browser-build]
> * Bug 41106: Non matching builds after application-services not being rebuilt in a long time [tor-browser-build]
> * Bug 41123: Drop the firefox-android project [tor-browser-build]
> * Bug 41171: Switch Android containers to Debian bookworm [tor-browser-build]
> * Bug 41172: Refactor the android-toolchain project [tor-browser-build]
> * Bug 41178: Force IPv4 when downloading in fix_gradle_deps.py [tor-browser-build]
> * Bug 41200: Remove allowed_addons.json and the related tools [tor-browser-build]
> * Bug 41210: Use tor-expert-bundle-aar in geckoview/build_apk [tor-browser-build]
> * Bug 41211: The Android license file is not deterministic anymore [tor-browser-build]
> * Bug 41214: Update geckoview/config to be more like firefox/config [tor-browser-build]
> * Bug 41217: Update realprep.py script to handle Firefox 128-based Tor Browser Android [tor-browser-build]
> * Bug 41224: Do not ship Conjure and GeoIP databases on Android x86, x86-64 to save some space [tor-browser-build]
> * Bug 41232: Re-implement single-arch builds after the monorepo migration [tor-browser-build]
> * Bug 41234: More dependencies are needed when building Android as a release [tor-browser-build]
> * Bug 41261: Use an uncompressed NoScript xpi file to improve apk compression [tor-browser-build]
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