[tbb-commits] [torbutton/master] Bug 19459: Remove code that sizes new windows (moved to tor-browser.git)

gk at torproject.org gk at torproject.org
Thu Nov 10 20:50:36 UTC 2016

commit 105b155787944799a38ad2c48f0bd015b1fa032e
Author: Arthur Edelstein <arthuredelstein at gmail.com>
Date:   Wed Aug 31 21:09:05 2016 -0700

    Bug 19459: Remove code that sizes new windows (moved to tor-browser.git)
 src/chrome/content/content-sizer.js     |   8 +-
 src/chrome/content/torbutton.js         | 158 +-------------------------------
 src/defaults/preferences/preferences.js |   1 -
 src/modules/utils.js                    |  20 +++-
 4 files changed, 31 insertions(+), 156 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/chrome/content/content-sizer.js b/src/chrome/content/content-sizer.js
index e627c3c..ded06d7 100644
--- a/src/chrome/content/content-sizer.js
+++ b/src/chrome/content/content-sizer.js
@@ -501,7 +501,13 @@ let quantizeBrowserSizeMain = function (window, xStep, yStep) {
   window.addEventListener("unload", unbind, true);
-quantizeBrowserSizeMain(window, xStep, yStep);
+// Only start quantizing once the window has become visible.
+var stopObserving = observe("xul-window-visible", function () {
+  if (Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser") === window) {
+    quantizeBrowserSizeMain(window, xStep, yStep);
+    stopObserving();
+  }
 // end of quantizeBrowserSize definition
diff --git a/src/chrome/content/torbutton.js b/src/chrome/content/torbutton.js
index 60f12d6..53e5479 100644
--- a/src/chrome/content/torbutton.js
+++ b/src/chrome/content/torbutton.js
@@ -17,8 +17,6 @@ const k_tb_last_browser_version_pref = "extensions.torbutton.lastBrowserVersion"
 const k_tb_browser_update_needed_pref = "extensions.torbutton.updateNeeded";
 const k_tb_last_update_check_pref = "extensions.torbutton.lastUpdateCheck";
 const k_tb_tor_check_failed_topic = "Torbutton:TorCheckFailed";
-const k_tb_tor_resize_warn_pref =
-  "extensions.torbutton.startup_resize_period"
 var m_tb_prefs = Services.prefs;
@@ -399,6 +397,8 @@ function torbutton_init() {
                             m_tb_control_port, m_tb_control_pass,
+    quantizeBrowserSize(window, 100, 100);
     torbutton_log(3, 'init completed');
@@ -2210,105 +2210,13 @@ var torbutton_resizelistener =
       var progress =
-      var win = getBrowser().contentWindow,
-          container = getBrowser().parentElement;
+      var win = getBrowser().contentWindow;
       if (!win || typeof(win) == "undefined") {
         torbutton_log(5, "No initial browser content window?");
-      // We need to set the inner width to an initial value because it has none
-      // at this point... Choosing "300" as this works even on Windows
-      // reliably.
-      win.innerWidth = 300;
-      win.innerHeight = 300;
-      var screenMan = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/gfx/screenmanager;1"].
-        getService(Components.interfaces.nsIScreenManager);
-      var junk = {}, availWidth = {}, availHeight = {};
-      screenMan.primaryScreen.GetAvailRect(junk, junk, availWidth, availHeight);
-      torbutton_log(3, "About to resize window: " +
-                    window.outerWidth + "x" + window.outerHeight +
-                    " inner: " + win.innerWidth + "x" + win.innerHeight +
-                    " in state " + window.windowState +
-                    " Available: " + availWidth.value + "x" +
-                    availHeight.value);
-      var diff_width = window.outerWidth - win.innerWidth;
-      var diff_height = window.outerHeight - win.innerHeight;
-      var delta_fix = 0;
-      // The following block tries to cope with funny corner cases where the
-      // title bar is not included in window.outerHeight. What could happen in
-      // this case? Well, assume the difference between window.outerHeight and
-      // win.innerHeight is 39. And lets further assume the available height is
-      // 725x539. If we resize the window in this case we get 600x500 for the
-      // inner window. And the outer window has a height of 539 *plus* the
-      // height of the titlebar (as it occupies some screen space at least
-      // after resizing) which probably leads to parts of the browser being not
-      // visible.
-      if (window.outerHeight == window.innerHeight) {
-          // XXX: Let's assume a reasonable safety margin.
-          // |delta_fix = Math.floor(window.mozInnerScreenY) - window.screenY;|
-          // is not working at this stage of the browser start-up. Although it
-          // would give us slightly better values. But calling it later makes
-          // the resizing visible even on fast computers which is bad for UX.
-          delta_fix = Math.floor(diff_height / 2);
-      }
-      // Check the DPI value and take it into acctount later when calculating
-      // the max* values.
-      var dpi = m_tb_domWindowUtils.screenPixelsPerCSSPixel;
-      // We can't use screen resolution here as it does not account for e.g.
-      // taskbars. We can't use window.screen.avail* either as it does not
-      // report correct values on some platforms when used at this stage in the
-      // startup process. Therefore, we resort to nsIScreenManager.
-      // XXX: Note though, there are probably still some OS/window manager
-      // configurations where this approach is not working. E.g. on a Debian
-      // with XFCE the available height is the same as the screen height.
-      // This is said to happen as well on Windows with Aero:
-      // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3044230/
-      // difference-between-screen-availheight-and-window-height
-      var maxHeight = Math.floor(availHeight.value / dpi) -
-                     (diff_height + delta_fix);
-      var maxWidth = Math.floor(availWidth.value / dpi) - diff_width ;
-      var width;
-      var height;
-      // Allow the user to overwrite the Torbutton logic in case it is still
-      // wrong when resizing the window.
-      try {
-        width = m_tb_prefs.getIntPref("extensions.torbutton.window.innerWidth");
-      } catch(e) {
-        let cappedWidth = m_tb_prefs.getIntPref("extensions.torbutton.window.maxWidth");
-        if (maxWidth > cappedWidth) {
-          maxWidth = cappedWidth;
-        }
-        width = Math.floor(maxWidth/200.0)*200;
-      }
-      try {
-        height = m_tb_prefs.getIntPref("extensions.torbutton.window.innerHeight");
-      } catch(e) {
-        let cappedHeight = m_tb_prefs.getIntPref("extensions.torbutton.window.maxHeight");
-        if (maxHeight > cappedHeight) {
-          maxHeight = cappedHeight;
-        }
-        height = Math.floor(maxHeight/100.0)*100;
-      }
-      let resizeInnerWindowTo = function (width, height) {
-        window.resizeBy(width - win.innerWidth,
-                        height - win.innerHeight);
-        torbutton_log(3, "Resized new window from: " + container.clientWidth + "x" +
-                      container.clientHeight + " to " + width + "x" + height +
-                      " in state " + window.windowState);
-      }
       m_tb_resize_handler = function() {
         if (window.windowState === 1) {
           if (m_tb_prefs.
@@ -2361,25 +2269,8 @@ var torbutton_resizelistener =
                                    priority, buttons);
-          // This is for some weird OS-specific behavior on start-up where,
-          // depending on the available screen size, the OS thinks it has to
-          // maximize the window. We don't want to do that AND don't want to
-          // show the user our notification in this case.
-          if (m_tb_prefs.
-                getBoolPref(k_tb_tor_resize_warn_pref)) {
-            window.addEventListener("resize",
-              function() {
-                resizeInnerWindowTo(width, height);
-                var calling_function = arguments.callee;
-                setTimeout(function() {
-                             torbutton_log(3, "Removing resize listener..");
-                             window.removeEventListener("resize",
-                               calling_function, false);
-                           }, 1000);
-              }, false);
-          }
-      };
+      }; // m_tb_resize_handler
       // We need to handle OSes that auto-maximize windows depending on user
       // settings and/or screen resolution in the start-up phase and users that
@@ -2401,50 +2292,11 @@ var torbutton_resizelistener =
       // the window triggers more than one resize event the first being not the
       // one we need. Thus we can't remove the listener after the first resize
       // event got fired. Thus, we have the rather klunky setTimeout() call.
-      m_tb_prefs.setBoolPref(k_tb_tor_resize_warn_pref, true);
       window.addEventListener("sizemodechange", m_tb_resize_handler, false);
-      // This is fun. any attempt to directly set the inner window actually
-      // resizes the outer width to that value instead. Must use resizeBy()
-      // instead of assignment or resizeTo()
-      resizeInnerWindowTo(width, height);
-      // Resizing within this progress listener does not always work as overlays
-      // of other extensions might still influence the height/width of the
-      // chrome and therefore the height/width of the content window. Doing a
-      // fallback resize with setTimeout(0) from this progess listener does not
-      // work on some machines (probably due to race conditions which are all
-      // over the place). Thus we need a point later in the start-up process
-      // where we can do this... Please welcome the mutation observer.
-      let mut_target = document.getElementById("main-window");
-      let mut_observer = new MutationObserver(
-        function(mutations) {
-          mutations.forEach(
-            function(mutation) {
-              setTimeout(function() {
-                           resizeInnerWindowTo(width, height);
-                           quantizeBrowserSize(window, 100, 100);
-                           // OS-specific window maximization on start-up should
-                           // be done by now. Disable the respective preference
-                           // to make sure the user is seeing our notification.
-                           m_tb_prefs.setBoolPref(k_tb_tor_resize_warn_pref,
-                             false);
-                         }, 0);
-              mut_observer.disconnect();
-            }
-          );
-        }
-      );
-      // Configuration of the observer. Looking at added nodes is enough as
-      // DevTools related code is manipulating the DOM which we can capture.
-      // From that on we can start our fallback resizing.
-      let mut_config = { attributes: false, childList: true,
-        characterData: false };
-      mut_observer.observe(mut_target, mut_config);
-  },
+  }, // onStateChange
   onProgressChange: function(aProgress, aRequest, curSelfProgress,
                              maxSelfProgress, curTotalProgress,
diff --git a/src/defaults/preferences/preferences.js b/src/defaults/preferences/preferences.js
index 3284bde..ec2cdbc 100644
--- a/src/defaults/preferences/preferences.js
+++ b/src/defaults/preferences/preferences.js
@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ pref("extensions.torbutton.prompted_language",false);
 // See #7255 for details. We display the warning three times to make sure the
 // user did not click on it by accident.
 pref("extensions.torbutton.maximize_warnings_remaining", 0);
-pref("extensions.torbutton.startup_resize_period", true);
 // Security prefs:
diff --git a/src/modules/utils.js b/src/modules/utils.js
index 507f008..fa4405e 100644
--- a/src/modules/utils.js
+++ b/src/modules/utils.js
@@ -48,6 +48,24 @@ var bindPref = function (prefName, prefHandler, init = false) {
 var bindPrefAndInit = (prefName, prefHandler) =>
     bindPref(prefName, prefHandler, true);
+// ## Observers
+// __observe(topic, callback)__.
+// Observe the given topic. When notification of that topic
+// occurs, calls callback(subject, data). Returns a zero-arg
+// function that stops observing.
+var observe = function (topic, callback) {
+  let observer = {
+    observe: function (aSubject, aTopic, aData) {
+      if (topic === aTopic) {
+        callback(aSubject, aData);
+      }
+    },
+  };
+  Services.obs.addObserver(observer, topic, false);
+  return () => Services.obs.removeObserver(observer, topic);
 // ## Environment variables
 // __env__.
@@ -183,4 +201,4 @@ var unescapeTorString = function(str) {
 // Export utility functions for external use.
 let EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["bindPref", "bindPrefAndInit", "getEnv", "getPrefValue",
-                        "showDialog", "unescapeTorString"];
+                        "observe", "showDialog", "unescapeTorString"];

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