[TWN team] Tor Browser releases and TWN

harmony harmony01 at riseup.net
Thu Sep 4 11:15:22 UTC 2014

On 2014-09-04 02:46, Lunar wrote:
> I still find it very annoying when Tor Weekly News is released after 
> the
> new Tor Browser version has been released. It makes thing weird on the
> blog, as the newsletter don't mention the new version that is right
> below. Or we need to shift the announcement to appear before TWN, and
> then the newsletter might get unoticed.

Me too, which is why I wanted to delay the deadline in the first place.

> I'm sad about the situation because the Tails team usually manages to 
> be
> on the time they've announced when Tor Browser releases are so much
> random. :(

One thing I wondered about is if the TB team could maybe let Statusbot 
know what stage things are at with one-line updates (building - writing 
blog post - delay due to disk space issue - etc.); this would help us 
work out how likely we are to be able to include the new release, 
without giving them much extra work to do.

But even in that case we are relying on them to remember/have time to do 
it, and if they don't then we are back where we started.

> I wonder if we can agree that Tor Browser should not be released during
> TWN freeze. Probably not. *sigh*

I doubt this would get very far, unfortunately.

Should we look at changing the release day to Thursday? According to the 
wiki Wednesday was picked so that TWN could make it into Linux Weekly 
News on Thursday. Is that more desirable than carrying the latest 
information about Tor Browser?

If so, then I think we will have to stick to Mike's suggestion. Or 
someone else who is in better IRC contact with the Tor Browser people 
than me can take care of editing in new release weeks.

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