[TWN team] Recent changes to the wiki pages

Paul Feitzinger paul at pfeyz.com
Tue Feb 4 19:13:01 UTC 2014

On 02/04/2014 12:28 PM, Lunar wrote:
> Sorry but something got lost in here. I was trying to convey that the
> issue related to privacy we identify and fix for the Tor Browser can
> also be fixed in the main Firefox and benefit everybody. Now it reads
> like “how to spread Tor to more people”.

Ok. Sorry about that. I was trying to stress that *fixes* to privacy
issues are being shared rather than just information about them.

>> -Andrew Lewman reported on his trip to Washington DC [36] where he met
>> +Andrew Lewman reports on his trip to Washington DC [36] where he met
> Not sure I understand the change of tense.

Yeah, either works. The present tense felt more natural to me. I feel
like the past tense stresses that he wrote that report while the present
stresses that the report itself is available.

> What's the proper name to write in the

Paul Feitzinger

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