[TWN team] Recent changes to the wiki pages

Lunar lunar at torproject.org
Tue Feb 4 17:28:52 UTC 2014

> -Another important topic is how the privacy issues that have been
> -identified by the Tor Project can benefit even more users in the future.
> +Another important topic is how the work done by the Tor Project can
> +reach even more users. 

Sorry but something got lost in here. I was trying to convey that the
issue related to privacy we identify and fix for the Tor Browser can
also be fixed in the main Firefox and benefit everybody. Now it reads
like “how to spread Tor to more people”.

> -Andrew Lewman reported on his trip to Washington DC [36] where he met
> +Andrew Lewman reports on his trip to Washington DC [36] where he met

Not sure I understand the change of tense.

Thanks for the fixes, though. :) What's the proper name to write in the

Lunar                                             <lunar at torproject.org>
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