[TWN team] Recent changes to the wiki pages

Lunar lunar at torproject.org
Wed Dec 3 00:40:09 UTC 2014

=== https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/TorWeeklyNews/2014/48 ===

version 8
Author: harmony
Date:   2014-12-02T23:55:59+00:00

   some misc

--- version 7
+++ version 8
@@ -52,15 +52,18 @@
 Miscellaneous news
-Item 1 with cited source [XXX].
+Nathan Freitas announced [XXX] version 14.1.4 of Orbot, the Tor client
+for Android, which brings with it further improvements to background
+service operation, as well as theme and layout tweaks.
-Item 2 with cited source [XXX].
+ [XXX]: https://lists.mayfirst.org/pipermail/guardian-dev/2014-November/004080.html
-Item 3 with cited source [XXX].
+Sebastian Hahn informed [XXX] users of the Tor Project’s git
+repositories that cloning via the unauthenticated git:// protocol is no
+longer supported — secure https:// access has been and still is the
+preferred method for retrieving code.
- [XXX]:
- [XXX]:
- [XXX]:
+ [XXX]: https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-dev/2014-November/007892.html
 Tor help desk roundup
@@ -117,7 +120,5 @@
  * Merging #9262 was a major deal, though it doesn't yet impact performance.  It should get a mention. -Nick
  * Malicious relays and honeypots https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-dev/2014-November/007870.html
- * Git changes https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-dev/2014-November/007892.html
  * Integration testing plans https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-dev/2014-December/007898.html
- * Orbot 14.1.4 https://lists.mayfirst.org/pipermail/guardian-dev/2014-November/004080.html
  * GetTor https://blog.torproject.org/blog/say-hi-new-gettor

version 7
Author: harmony
Date:   2014-12-02T23:32:06+00:00

   add item

--- version 6
+++ version 7
@@ -120,3 +120,4 @@
  * Git changes https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-dev/2014-November/007892.html
  * Integration testing plans https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-dev/2014-December/007898.html
  * Orbot 14.1.4 https://lists.mayfirst.org/pipermail/guardian-dev/2014-November/004080.html
+ * GetTor https://blog.torproject.org/blog/say-hi-new-gettor

version 6
Author: harmony
Date:   2014-12-02T23:28:52+00:00

   add items

--- version 5
+++ version 6
@@ -116,3 +116,7 @@
  * Merging #9262 was a major deal, though it doesn't yet impact performance.  It should get a mention. -Nick
+ * Malicious relays and honeypots https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-dev/2014-November/007870.html
+ * Git changes https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-dev/2014-November/007892.html
+ * Integration testing plans https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-dev/2014-December/007898.html
+ * Orbot 14.1.4 https://lists.mayfirst.org/pipermail/guardian-dev/2014-November/004080.html

version 5
Author: harmony
Date:   2014-12-02T23:13:40+00:00

   write in reports

--- version 4
+++ version 5
@@ -19,17 +19,35 @@
-Monthly status reports for XXX month 2014
+Monthly status reports for November 2014
 The wave of regular monthly reports from Tor project members for the
-month of XXX has begun. XXX released his report first [XXX], followed
-by reports from name 2 [XXX], name 3 [XXX], and name 4 [XXX].
+month of November has begun. Damian Johnson released his report
+first [XXX], followed by reports from Juha Nurmi [XXX], George
+Kadianakis [XXX], David Goulet [XXX], Philipp Winter [XXX], Sherief
+Alaa [XXX], Tom Ritter [XXX], Nick Mathewson [XXX], Georg Koppen [XXX],
+Griffin Boyce [XXX], Karsten Loesing [XXX], and Andrew Lewman (for both
+October [XXX] and November [XXX]).
- [XXX]:
- [XXX]:
- [XXX]:
- [XXX]:
+George Kadianakis also sent out the SponsorF report [XXX], and Colin C.
+reported on behalf of the help desk [XXX].
+ [XXX]: https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-reports/2014-November/000698.html
+ [XXX]: https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-reports/2014-November/000699.html
+ [XXX]: https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-reports/2014-November/000701.html
+ [XXX]: https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-reports/2014-November/000702.html
+ [XXX]: https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-reports/2014-November/000703.html
+ [XXX]: https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-reports/2014-December/000704.html
+ [XXX]: https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-reports/2014-December/000705.html
+ [XXX]: https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-reports/2014-December/000706.html
+ [XXX]: https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-reports/2014-December/000708.html
+ [XXX]: https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-reports/2014-December/000709.html
+ [XXX]: https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-reports/2014-December/000710.html
+ [XXX]: https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-reports/2014-December/000712.html
+ [XXX]: https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-reports/2014-December/000713.html
+ [XXX]: https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-reports/2014-November/000700.html
+ [XXX]: https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-reports/2014-December/000711.html
 Miscellaneous news

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