[Tor www-team] Proposed personas
olssy1 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 9 18:22:33 UTC 2014
Maybe a "The Developer" persona should be added as well for those going to
learn about the technology or/and grab the source code.
On Thu, Jan 9, 2014 at 12:40 PM, Rey Dhuny <rey at spcshp.com> wrote:
> Sam E. Lawrence:
> > does it make more sense for us to use names that are easier to remember,
> so while we're having conversations we can easily recallthem? I know for
> myself, I'm going to have a hard time remembering whether it's Angela or
> Tony that's the journalist, and I think their last names are irrelevant.
> +1, it's going to get tricky with the names + number of personas!
> Silviu Riley:
> > This gets away from names, which reference specific cultures (Habib the
> dissident implies a foreign leaning to the persona. Dissidents might be
> located anywhere in the world)
> +1, it wasn't my intention to imply a foreign leaning to the personas I
> created but I agree with your suggestion to refer to the personas by roles.
> Caveat: although my job requires me to touch many aspects of UX/IA it's
> not my day job and so feedback on this from somebody who has uses this
> skill set on a professional basis would be greatly welcomed.
> Rey
> On Thursday, 9 January 2014 at 17:32, Silviu Riley wrote:
> Maybe simplify it even further to job or simple description:
> The Student
> The Journalist
> The Researcher
> The Donor
> The Engineer
> The Activist
> The Dissident (might need even more protection than The Activist)
> This gets away from names, which reference specific cultures (Habib the
> dissident implies a foreign leaning to the persona. Dissidents might be
> located anywhere in the world)
> Reference the personas by capitalizing the name (The Journalist vs. the
> journalist)
> Silviu.
> On Jan 9, 2014 12:17 PM, "Sam E. Lawrence" <selbrit at gmail.com> wrote:
> For these personas (which I think are a good idea), does it make more
> sense for us to use names that are easier to remember, so while we're
> having conversations we can easily recallthem? I know for myself, I'm going
> to have a hard time remembering whether it's Angela or Tony that's the
> journalist, and I think their last names are irrelevant.
> Does it make more sense to use persona types like:
> *S*am the *S*tudent
> *J*ulie the *J*ournalist
> *R*ob the (Security) *R*esearcher
> *D*ave the *D*octor (or *D*onor)
> *E*arl the (DevOps) *E*ngineer
> *A*dam the (Political) *A*ctivist.
> You know, Bob the Builder sort of thing. Easy to remember.
> Thoughts from the team, particularly those who will be involved in
> documentation and guides?
> On Thu, Jan 9, 2014 at 11:04 AM, Rey Dhuny <rey at spcshp.com> wrote:
> Max Jakob Mass:
> > I've added the persona of a cautious activist under an orpressive regime:
> Thank you very much for adding that persona. I have made some tweaks to it
> for readability:
> https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/Website?action=diff&version=31&old_version=30
> Rey
> On Thursday, 9 January 2014 at 11:15, Max Jakob Maass wrote:
> Hash: SHA512
> I've added the persona of a cautious activist under an orpressive regime:
> ```
> ## Habib Itamar, Dissident, 24
> Habib is a political activist under an orpressive regime which uses
> heavy internet filtering. From a friend, he received a USB stick with
> a bootable Tails Live System. He does not know how Tor works and what
> he has to keep in mind when using it, and will not connect the system
> to the internet without knowing more about this (he can only access
> the version of the website we will distribute with Tails).
> ```
> Max
> On 09.01.2014 12:06, Rey Dhuny wrote:
> I've since added the persona for a Tor Relay Operator:
> ``` ## Stephan Earls, DevOps Engineer, 27
> Stephan is a DevOps Engineer for a startup where he is responsible
> for network infrastructure, automation and data management. As a
> strong believer in the Tor Project he has been a Tor Relay Operator
> for a little over a year and has encouraged two of his colleagues
> to do the same. ```
> Rey
> On Thursday, 9 January 2014 at 10:36, Rey Dhuny wrote:
> I've taken the liberty of sketching out some personas so we have
> somewhere to start from and build on:
> ``` ## Tony Johnson, Student, aged 21
> Tony is a second year student at university who is studying
> international business. Tony has recently heard about Tor
> through recent mentions in the national news and would like to
> discover more about it Particularly he has heard from a friend
> that it could be used to protect his web browsing whilst using
> the university campus public wifi.
> ## Angela Thomas, Journalist, aged 39
> Angela is a journalist who has been writing about online privacy
> for the past year and would like to write a feature about Tor.
> Although she has previously experimented with Tor's browser
> bundle she would like further information of how the Tor
> infrastructure functions and the technical details behind how it
> enables online anonymity.
> ## Stephanie Davis, Security Researcher, aged 28
> Stephanie is a security researcher working for a think tank. She
> has been a user of Tor since December 2011 and is a strong
> proponent for an open web. Since finding out about Tor, Stephanie
> has become involved in the Tor community contributing fixes and
> features to the Tor code base and engaging with other Tor
> contributers using the mailing lists and IRC.
> ## Amrit Ghuna, Doctor, aged 58
> Amrit is a Doctor of Pharmacy who has been practicing for 19
> years. Although he now lives in suburbia outside the city, before
> he moved himself and his family to Sweden he suffered political
> oppression at the hands of the government, eventually being
> labeled a dissident. After seeing first hand the effects of a
> restricted and monitored internet he was enthused to read about
> Tor in the local newspaper and would very much like to make a
> donation to the Tor Project. ```
> I've also added it to the wiki:
> https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/Website#ProposedPersonas
> Thoughts welcome and requested!
> Rey
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