[Tor www-team] Proposed personas

Silviu Riley silviu.riley at gmail.com
Thu Jan 9 17:32:28 UTC 2014

Maybe simplify it even further to job or simple description:

The Student
The Journalist
The Researcher
The Donor
The Engineer
The Activist
The Dissident (might need even more protection than The Activist)

This gets away from names, which reference specific cultures (Habib the
dissident implies a foreign leaning to the persona. Dissidents might be
located anywhere in the world)

Reference the personas by capitalizing the name (The Journalist vs. the

On Jan 9, 2014 12:17 PM, "Sam E. Lawrence" <selbrit at gmail.com> wrote:

> For these personas (which I think are a good idea), does it make more
> sense for us to use names that are easier to remember, so while we're
> having conversations we can easily recallthem? I know for myself, I'm going
> to have a hard time remembering whether it's Angela or Tony that's the
> journalist, and I think their last names are irrelevant.
> Does it make more sense to use persona types like:
> *S*am the *S*tudent
> *J*ulie the *J*ournalist
> *R*ob the (Security) *R*esearcher
> *D*ave the *D*octor (or *D*onor)
> *E*arl the (DevOps) *E*ngineer
> *A*dam the (Political) *A*ctivist.
> You know, Bob the Builder sort of thing. Easy to remember.
> Thoughts from the team, particularly those who will be involved in
> documentation and guides?
> On Thu, Jan 9, 2014 at 11:04 AM, Rey Dhuny <rey at spcshp.com> wrote:
>>  Max Jakob Mass:
>> > I've added the persona of a cautious activist under an orpressive
>> regime:
>> Thank you very much for adding that persona. I have made some tweaks to
>> it for readability:
>> https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/Website?action=diff&version=31&old_version=30
>> Rey
>> On Thursday, 9 January 2014 at 11:15, Max Jakob Maass wrote:
>> Hash: SHA512
>> I've added the persona of a cautious activist under an orpressive regime:
>> ```
>> ## Habib Itamar, Dissident, 24
>> Habib is a political activist under an orpressive regime which uses
>> heavy internet filtering. From a friend, he received a USB stick with
>> a bootable Tails Live System. He does not know how Tor works and what
>> he has to keep in mind when using it, and will not connect the system
>> to the internet without knowing more about this (he can only access
>> the version of the website we will distribute with Tails).
>> ```
>> Max
>> On 09.01.2014 12:06, Rey Dhuny wrote:
>> I've since added the persona for a Tor Relay Operator:
>> ``` ## Stephan Earls, DevOps Engineer, 27
>> Stephan is a DevOps Engineer for a startup where he is responsible
>> for network infrastructure, automation and data management. As a
>> strong believer in the Tor Project he has been a Tor Relay Operator
>> for a little over a year and has encouraged two of his colleagues
>> to do the same. ```
>> Rey
>> On Thursday, 9 January 2014 at 10:36, Rey Dhuny wrote:
>> I've taken the liberty of sketching out some personas so we have
>> somewhere to start from and build on:
>> ``` ## Tony Johnson, Student, aged 21
>> Tony is a second year student at university who is studying
>> international business. Tony has recently heard about Tor
>> through recent mentions in the national news and would like to
>> discover more about it Particularly he has heard from a friend
>> that it could be used to protect his web browsing whilst using
>> the university campus public wifi.
>> ## Angela Thomas, Journalist, aged 39
>> Angela is a journalist who has been writing about online privacy
>> for the past year and would like to write a feature about Tor.
>> Although she has previously experimented with Tor's browser
>> bundle she would like further information of how the Tor
>> infrastructure functions and the technical details behind how it
>> enables online anonymity.
>> ## Stephanie Davis, Security Researcher, aged 28
>> Stephanie is a security researcher working for a think tank. She
>> has been a user of Tor since December 2011 and is a strong
>> proponent for an open web. Since finding out about Tor, Stephanie
>> has become involved in the Tor community contributing fixes and
>> features to the Tor code base and engaging with other Tor
>> contributers using the mailing lists and IRC.
>> ## Amrit Ghuna, Doctor, aged 58
>> Amrit is a Doctor of Pharmacy who has been practicing for 19
>> years. Although he now lives in suburbia outside the city, before
>> he moved himself and his family to Sweden he suffered political
>> oppression at the hands of the government, eventually being
>> labeled a dissident. After seeing first hand the effects of a
>> restricted and monitored internet he was enthused to read about
>> Tor in the local newspaper and would very much like to make a
>> donation to the Tor Project. ```
>> I've also added it to the wiki:
>> https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/Website#ProposedPersonas
>>  Thoughts welcome and requested!
>> Rey
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