[Tor www-team] [IA] Sitemap for the current torproject.org?

Sean Rafferty seanmrafferty at me.com
Thu Jan 9 00:36:14 UTC 2014

I think personas would be very helpful.  I can only guess what the various personas are.  Obviously anyone can use tor, but there are many different personas that have different needs.  They can be prioritized so that you ensure you work on the most important content first due to limited resources, etc.

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> On Jan 8, 2014, at 6:43 PM, Rey Dhuny <rey at spcshp.com> wrote:
> Earl G:
> > Isn't the target audience everybody with an internet connection?
> > Or at least those that value privacy/.
> > At the moment Tor is aimed at tech savvy users and although the tor guys have done an excellent job of the instructions so far.
> Sorry I don't believe I was clear with my last reply. When I said:
> > I think it might be worth a stakeholder outlining the personas (or the different target users) that we're designing and building for so everybody is on the same page.
> I was working from the _target users_ that I extrapolated from the `Proposed new information architecture` section in the Wiki (https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/Website#Proposednewinformationarchitecture)
> For example:
> ```
> * Understand
> ** For: Everyone and journalist
> ```
> Here one persona may be Joe Public who has never used Tor before and has come across it through a new article. Another persona might be Anna Journalist who has been covering online privacy briefly and wants to educate herself on how Tor works for an upcoming article.
> Another example of a persona may be:
> ```
> * Contribute
> ** Finance
> ```
> In this example Julia Walters may want to make a donation to the Tor Project and would like to know how that may be possible.
> What I was trying to get across is that there are users who have particular needs from torproject.org and we should identify and address those user's needs.
> Rey
> --
> reyhan.org
>> On Wed, Jan 8, 2014 at 11:13 PM, Earl G <globallogins at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Isn't the target audience everybody with an internet connection?
>> Or at least those that value privacy/.
>> At the moment Tor is aimed at tech savvy users and although the tor guys have done an excellent job of the instructions so far.
>> The real momentum will happen when Joe Bloggs, mom and pop start using it.
>> This is where i want to come in and make it so everyone and anyone no matter your tech ability, either sees the benefits of tor or can get Tor running.
>> The only way I can do this is by writing very understandable tutorials or explanations of what are quite technical things.
>>> On 8 January 2014 23:31, Rey Dhuny <rey at spcshp.com> wrote:
>>> > Sorting these out by target audience might help recycle the actual content.
>>> I think it might be worth a stakeholder outlining the personas (or the different target users) that we're designing and building for so everybody is on the same page.
>>> I think these have been touched on in the initial structure outlined on the wiki (I would paste but currently on the train home :)) but it would be super useful to have them documented so we know, for example, that Joe User has a particular set of circumstances where he needs a site that is easily thrown on a usb drive and that degrades gracefully for use without JavaScript.
>>> It seems to be at least that there may be 3-5 different personas.
>>> Rey
>>> --
>>> reyhan.org
>>> > On 8 Jan 2014, at 22:17, Lunar <lunar at torproject.org> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > Sorting these out by target audience might help recycle the actual
>>> > content.
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> -- 
> reyhan.org
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