[Tor www-team] Website requirements and goals

Namanyay Goel mail at namanyayg.com
Tue Jan 7 15:32:12 UTC 2014

Introductions sound like a good idea, I'll start!

I'm Namanyay Goel, a freelance designer/developer. I'm great at front end
parts of things, but not so good at the backend. I'll be able to help in
the design and the front-end coding.

As for the '5 community' problem, I don't think it's a huge issue. We have
5 different (main) pages in the site, they being:

* / (The homepage, which offers download links and the novice user things.
Wouldn't need much content, honestly)
* /docs
* /research
* /law
* /dev.

With a design like MDN, or PHP (new design), this could be easily achieved.

Also, I think we should all move to Github, or at least Git. Open-sourcing
what we do will definitely make us more known in the community.

On Tue, Jan 7, 2014 at 8:44 PM, Lunar <lunar at torproject.org> wrote:

> Hi!
> We are at 89 subscribers on the www-team mailing list. That's quite a
> success! Welcome to all! Feel free to introduce yourself on your first
> post.
> I was hoping to wait some more time before kicking off discussions,
> but it looks like we are already starting. :)
> Rohan Smith:
> > I am willing to assist and would like to get some high level
> > information about the goals of this project.
> Our main issue right now is that the current website is trying to serve
> too many audiences at once. Andrew identified 5 different audiences in
> <https://bugs.torproject.org/5998>. We need to design either several
> websites, or a single website that better address the needs of these
> audiences. Introductory material regarding how Tor works and how to use
> it must be translatable.
> The following wiki page also contains some notes from discussion we had
> during the 30C3. Feel free to amend it with any relevant information
> regarding the website redesign:
> <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/Website>
> Technically, the website is currently constructed using WML. While it
> works, it will feel ancient to anyone who tried a recent static website
> generator like Jekyll. Getting support for Markdown formated pages would
> probably help more people to write content.
> The current website code is available using Subversion:
> <https://svn.torproject.org/svn/website/trunk/>
> > It also piqued my interest because the current site is done with
> > Drupal and that is my area of expertise.
> To be clear about this: the blog is currently made with Drupal, but the
> idea is to either convert it to a static website generator now or to
> integrate it while redoing the website.
> For more information about the blog conversion, feel free to look at the
> tickets already opened by Andrew:
> <
> https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/milestone/2014%20Tor%20Blog%20Replacement
> >
> --
> Lunar                                             <lunar at torproject.org>
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Namanyay Goel <http://namanyayg.com/>

:: Freelance Web Designer and Developer.
:: UI Designer at MakeUseOf <http://makeuseof.com/>.
:: Author at Symmetrycode <http://symmetrycode.com/>.
:: @namanyayg <http://twitter.com/namanyayg>
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