[ux] UX team meeting notes, 6 August 2019
Antonela Debiasi
tor at antonela.me
Tue Aug 6 15:29:55 UTC 2019
Our weekly UX team meeting just ended. Here is our meeting log
And the updates notes are below:
UX team work meeting pad
Meeting 2019-08-06
* Antonela
* Pili
* Dunqan
* emmapeel
* nah/thurayya
== Updates ==
This week:
- What you worked on this week.
Last week:
- Sent June and July UX Team report
- Worked with Snowflake related tickets
- #31262 - Uploaded Outreach Material into community repo -
- Shared TB ideas for next grant with Isabela and Matt
- Reviewed Tunde progress for Month #1
- Synced with Gaba and SimplySecure on the Metrics grant
This week:
- User Research:
- Kickoff Nah
- Organized Q1Q2 2019 user research material in NextCloud
- Sync with anticensorship the S30 work
- #31286 - Working on TB Network Settings -
- Share with the lists Tor Browser usage survey responses -
- Meeting with the grant for Core Tor IPv6 people
Last week:
- S27 reporting (work completion and monthly reports)
- Some work on tpo website: cy pres page, sponsor page updates
- Some work on community portal
- Gitlab organisation
This week:
- Helping with DRL and OTF proposals
- S30 Triage
- UX Ticket triage
- Sunsetting Orfox - emmapeel: we need to get a few strings
translated, can you help? yes, where? let me find out!
- Translation pipeline for training materials
- Community Portal fixes
- Trac gardening
- Gitlab organisation
- Next week: AFK
- Working on writeup/next steps for persona project
- Rough text for potential accessibility project proposal
Last week:
- new localizations: code of conduct, snowflake, relay instructions
- new locales in support and tpo< Thai, Polish (staging)
This week:
- new translations: training slides, code of conduct
Just starting:
- Working on past reports (User Research) / Indonesia, India,
Mexico, Brazil
- Meetings to sync and getting introd. to the teams ;)
== Discussion ==
* Introduce Nah (thurayya)
* Brainstorm UX team work and project organisation in gitlab
* Monthly Triage \o/
- https://nc.riseup.net/s/K3rzDptT773QGsa
- Are the following tickets still valid?
- https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/28381 - Oreo
Adaptive icon shape
- https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/27028 - Indicate
current download progress
- https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/26765 - keep Tor
Browser looking distinct from other browsers
- https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/25580 - Tor
Browser Auto Update
- https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/24638 - Welcome
dialog missing protocol from link
Antonela Debiasi
UX Team Lead
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