[ux] UX meeting today~

isabela isabela at torproject.org
Tue May 23 01:15:52 UTC 2017

On 5/22/17 08:37, Linda Naeun Lee wrote:
> Usual place, usual time: 
> https://meet.jit.si/TorUX, 1500 UTC
> Let's do a quick round of updates!

Hi there,

here is a quick step by step on how to create google news alerts:

1) search on news.google.com for: censorship internet

2) scroll down to the end of the result page - you will see a:

"Stay up to date on results for internet censorship."

3) click on the 'create alert' button next to it

4) it will give you a preview of news alert for those keywords

4.1) it will also give you some more settings option to tailor and
customize your alert

have fun o/


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