[ux] UX team April 2017 summary

Linda Naeun Lee linda at torproject.org
Mon May 1 21:20:57 UTC 2017


In April, the UX team did three major things:

1) research and design work for torproject.org
2) started building content for support.torproject.org
2) coordinating with mobile developers on features
3) better team organization and project management

1) Got the necessary research done for redesigning torproject.org (#21222).
Since we now have a handle on how the website is structured, how we want
the new website structured, and what content we want where, we can start
moving forward with wireframing. The research tasks are all grouped in
#22120 as its sub-tickets for your viewing pleasure.

2) We wrote over 100 questions and answers for the upcoming support portal (
https://gitweb.torproject.org/support-portal.git/tree/plain). These
questions cover frequently asked questions during the download and install
process, troubleshoot the most common errors with Tor Browser, and address
a wide array of other questions.

3) Isabela and Linda joined the weekly #tor-mobile scrums, where we got to
listen to what's going on with tor-mobile (we are glad that there is better
communication here now!) and give feedback on the their features. They're
working on better user-facing error messages when a connection fails, and
how they can make use of the waiting time when connecting to educate users
about Tor and its features.

4) We now have a regular UX team meeting (Mondays 1500 UTC @
https://meet.jit.si/TorUX) with an agenda (https://pad.riseup.net/p/tor-ux
agenda), a team roadmap to keep track of tasks to do this month and the
following months (https://storm.torproject.org/grain/XaENCFTXJzFYWgxSnK4mgJ/),
and create/triage tickets to keep track of work.

Major thanks to Antonela, Alison, and Colin for doing such great work this

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