[ux] July 26 meeting(s) summary: user testing for onion browser + changes to the tor browser toolbar

Linda Naeun Lee linda at torproject.org
Wed Jul 26 18:06:50 UTC 2017

Hi all,

We had two meetings today! .

During the UX team meeting, we met with the onionbrowser team, to discuss
what part of their new awesome onboarding sequence (I can't find a link to
it, but trust me on this; hopefully I'll get it working on my phone soon)
we can help with. We decided on the general methodology and brainstormed
what to test; the next steps are to prioritize what to test and test it!
Notes here:

We also had another meeting right afterward (sorry, Geko :P) to discuss the
tor browser toolbar. In particular, we discussed what problems we are
trying to solve and what features will solve them. We had a great
discussion that defined the problems and 3 potential solutions. We still
need to talk about what the best solution is and how we can go forward with
it. Notes here: https://pad.riseup.net/p/toolbar-torbrowser

  Linda N. Lee
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