[ux] UX July 19 meeting summary: discussing changes to the tor browser toolbar

teor teor2345 at gmail.com
Wed Jul 19 23:41:59 UTC 2017


I tried to find the pad to leave comments on this change, but I
couldn't work out where it was.

> On 20 Jul 2017, at 03:17, Linda Naeun Lee <linda at torproject.org> wrote:
> 	• place no script icon in preferences, not toolbar

> 	• what should we put in the tool bar vs in the preferences?
> 	•     division: tab specific settings in toolbar, global settings in preferences

There are no tab-specific settings: the NoScript button is a
site-specific setting that works for all tabs on that site.

> 	• What do people use often and not?
> 	•     no script icon: we don't want people to use it a lot, but unknown how much they do

How much people use the no script icon depends on the security
slider setting they have:
* In "Low" (the default)
  * there's not much reason to use the NoScript icon
* In "Medium" (JavaScript disabled on HTTP)
  * how many HTTP sites they use that need JavaScript
* In "High" (JavaScript disabled on all sites)
  * how many HTTP or HTTPS sites they use that need JavaScript

I use High Security mode, and I use the NoScript button regularly.
If you took it off the toolbar, I'd want to put it back in my browser.

Since the security slider is global, the NoScript button is the only
per-site security option that I have. (Changing both to be per-site
with a global default would be really useful to me: sometimes I want to
be able to enable SVG on Wikipedia, but then I forget and leave it on.)

Can someone explain why we don't want people to use the NoScript button?
It seems ok for people to use it on HTTPS sites they trust.


Tim Wilson-Brown (teor)

teor2345 at gmail dot com
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