[ux] UX team page update + how we track our work
Antonela Debiasi
hola at antonela.me
Thu Aug 17 22:15:03 UTC 2017
Yeeees! Looks awesome Linda!
> El 17 ago. 2017, a las 18:51, Linda Naeun Lee <linda at torproject.org> escribió:
> Hi all,
> I've made changes to the UX team page to include the projects we are working on, and the specific tickets with the #ux-team tag: https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/org/teams/UxTeam
> The purpose of the projects section is to give a high level overview of the big things that the UX team is working on at the moment.
> So, this technically means that projects that we are considering doing but are not doing are not on that list, and what makes a project a project currently is that I label it as one. Which, I have to admit, is a bit odd, but this is what we can try out for a little while. I like it better than only having a long list of tickets, though.
> I would prefer that you continue to use the #ux-team tag to track tasks across various projects, but also assign it to a parent project if applicable.
> Cheers,
> Linda N. Lee
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