[ux] UX team meeting on IRC and in Valencia

Spencer spencerone at openmailbox.org
Tue Feb 16 18:20:54 UTC 2016


> Isabela:
> here is the log

Thanks!  An hour never seems like enough; just getting started then (:

I snipped some stuff from the meeting:

>> we could map the user path

The work done for the Tails startup experience [0] is a wonderful start 
to this.

Not sure how to apply this to an activity other than more card sorting 
and other common mapping techniques; Ame can be most helpful with this.

>> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/valencia2016

This is not posted on https://lists.torproject.org/ it seems.

>> the design guidelines

What is this?

>> it will be a very straight to the point documentation
>> problem, hypothesis, solution

Here [1] is a great reference for presenting research and other 
resulting work.


[0]: https://tails.boum.org/blueprint/network_connection/
[1]: http://renelee.net

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