[ux] Meeting tomorrow Thursday April 7

Isabela isabela at riseup.net
Wed Apr 6 19:15:34 UTC 2016

I forgot that Shari might actually join us tomorrow ( I will confirm)
since she couldn't last time cuz she was sick.

So we should catch up with her on things like licensing and probably
some of those open questions as well.

On 04/06/2016 08:36 AM, isabela wrote:
> Hello there,
> We skipped last week meeting as many of us were in RightsCon. I am
> sending this note to remind folks we will have our irc meeting tomorrow.
> Same time etc.
> One thing I haven't the time yet was to organize the answers to the open
> questions Scout had on her creative brief. I apologize, but with
> RightsCon things piled up and I haven't had the chance to come around
> this task yet.
> I am wondering if anyone have done anything on it, if not, we should
> catch up on it tomorrow.
> Cheers,
> Isabela

PM at TorProject.org
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