[ux] Tor Configuration Dialogue User Study Update

Spencer spencerone at openmailbox.org
Wed Dec 9 06:56:07 UTC 2015


> sajolida:
> I also wondered whether the option to configure a proxy should be
> even more out of the way.

The issue with this is it isolates the proxy flow from the rest of the 
configuration context; Tails needs a more whole-systems approach given 
the other variables and I would argue the same for Tor Launcher in 
general, even if only to conserve resources.

> prior knowledge ... bridges only make sense in the context of Tor

People's mental models are a mix of both prior knowledge and what the 
interface informs.

The issue with this is we have conflicting, or at least unclear, 
terminology regarding the computers that move traffic around the 
network; bridge is a relay, which is a router, which performs the 
function of a proxy... this is a bit different from a network bridge it 
seems and feels like a blocker to some degree.

Trust is important here and people may find it difficult to trust 
something that they do not fully understand.  'Bridge' is the most 
familiar concept here but it does not map accurately to the physical 
function of a bridge where each end is connected.


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