[ux] Tor Configuration Dialogue User Study Update

Linda Naeun Lee lnl at berkeley.edu
Sun Dec 6 05:27:38 UTC 2015


We put our participants in three simulated censorship environments. We gave
them tasks at specific websites. E1: websites were blocked. E2: websites
and tor public relays were blocked. E3: websites, tor public relays, and
hard coded values of the bridge addresses in the configuration dialogue
were blocked.

We have discussed the possibility of automating the proxy configuration or
having it more out of the way, very, very extensively. But we have
accounted for deployability in our design, and avoiding changes to the
interfaces which would require work for Tor developers if they are not
willing to do it. But yes, we agree that proxies should be greatly
de-emphasized. We only showed the first clickable prototype. We have had
many iterations since (but will only update with bigger milestones).

I'd be open to more communication. We already have specific, IRB-approved,
and funded plans for our next steps though. I don't have plans to go to IFF
(as of now, at least).

On Sat, Dec 5, 2015 at 7:12 AM, sajolida <sajolida at pimienta.org> wrote:

> Linda Naeun Lee:
> > Lunar:
> >
> > Thank you for that link! I wasn't aware of this related effort, and it
> > looks like I can learn a bit from it.
> Hi,
> I should present myself as well. I'm sajolida, I'm working for Tails on
> technical writing and UX.
> We're planning to continue this work in 2016. So we should make sure to
> communicate well on what both our projects are doing on this field, and
> maybe share some efforts.
> I thought about having a UX session about the connection process in
> Tails at the IFF [1], are you going to be there? I'm not sure about the
> format yet but it depends a lot on who's going to be there and their
> objectives.
> [1]: https://internetfreedomfestival.org/

Linda Naeun Lee
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