[tor-teachers] Surveillance, Privacy, Networks and Encryption v2

Hugo Maxwell Connery hmco at env.dtu.dk
Thu Jan 21 12:40:42 UTC 2016


Thanks to some very helpful comments by Paul Syverson I offer
a second, much improved version of this document.

Its the same "conversational" style providing a ground up
description of the surveillance and anonymity problem for
a low tech audience with a reasonably aware teacher.  This
includes how proxies and VPNs provide only partial solutions 
to these problems and how Tor provides a much better solution.

I also present a collection of general attacks against Tor
and briefly show the challenges that they entail.  Again,
this is as 'no-tech' as possible.

What is needed is a presentation with relevant pictures to 
go with this.  I'll do that for the types of audiences I will be
teaching, and I'll offer that too, but that may vary from the 
audiences with which you are engaged.

I hope that the document can serve as a pre-meeting handout
and  that this can prime an audience for the presentation
and discussion which a gathering would likely entail.

All comments are greatly appreciated, especially if there is
misleading information in the document.  I greatly hope that
there is not.  The most important thing which is still missing
are references to justify the claims that I make.  I'll try to work
on that too.

Happy Teaching,

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