[tor-teachers] brazilian magazine about Tor, onion services and the "deep web"

Lucas Teixeira lucas at codingrights.org
Sat Apr 2 15:41:46 UTC 2016


I've never introduced myself; I work at Coding Rights mostly as a
sysadmin, tech/policy writer and workshop facilitator. I have given a
dozen workshops throughout the last three years, and Tor is a great
success for its "immediacy", user friendliness and broad usecase.


Look what I've just found:


    Ótima revista: Deep Web - Guia Mundo em Foco. PDF:
    https://share.riseup.net/#1VCib4kozp2Zzsr3T2MWSg COMPRAR:

    Great magazine: Deep Web - Guia Mundo em Foco. PDF:
    https://share.riseup.net/#1VCib4kozp2Zzsr3T2MWSg BUY:

A brazilian magazine entitled "Deep Web". The content seems great; it
talks about the misconceptions of the "deep web" term, how Tor and the
onion network function, and even has a step-by-step on installing the
Tor Browser and Tails on a thumb drive! I'm impressed.

I thought you would like to know. The PDF linked seems to have the
entire magazine in good quality.


Lucas Teixeira

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