[tor-talk] Tor sociological research - my thanks to the Tor community!
s1263350 at sms.ed.ac.uk
Thu Feb 1 11:43:58 UTC 2018
Hello all,
I hope that this finds you all well! As some of you may know, I've been spending much of the past year carrying out interviews with people in the Tor community for my PhD research. This has been far more successful than I thought it might be at the outset, and I've been really struck by the generosity and kindness of the community over the last twelve or so months.
As things currently stand, I've carried out in the region of 25 interviews and heard from a really diverse range of people about how and why they contribute to Tor and the Tor network, their values, beliefs, working practices and perspectives. This email is largely to wish you all my heartfelt thanks, especially to those of you with whom I've corresponded in depth or carried out interviews. I really appreciate the time you've spent speaking to me, and I equally appreciate the patience of the community in general with my approach emails!
Though I've largely finished sending approaches to people for interviews, I'll still be carrying out fieldwork for the next four months, so if anyone is still potentially interested in speaking to me over voice chat or email about the research, I'd be delighted to talk to you - just let me know (all interviews are kept anonymous by default). Once I've analysed and written up my data, I'm hoping to share a lay summary here for anyone interested in the findings. As ever, if anyone has any concerns or questions about the research, please don't hesitate to get in touch.
Very best and many thanks again,
Twitter: @JohnnyHistone
Edinburgh University PhD Student Profile: http://www.law.ed.ac.uk/research/students/viewstudent?ref=339
SCCJR: http://www.sccjr.ac.uk/about-us/people/ben-collier/
PhD Blog: https://bencollierblog.wordpress.com/
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