[tor-talk] e

George george at queair.net
Fri Apr 13 17:03:00 UTC 2018

lama the:
> Are you aware that the FreeBSD project indiscriminately block all Tor
> users from their official forums? Not even read access. This is a
> problem because the forums are a vital source of help and solutions
> to problems. Why do you block even read access if not to send a very
> aggressive message *against* Tor users? https://forums.freebsd.org/

It doesn't seem consistently blocked from my angle. I can access over
Tor, even without javascript enabled, but on occasion it is blocked.
It's possible there's dynamic blocking of specific exits.

But quite honestly, we should all figure out how to directly convince
www providers that they shouldn't block all Tor. Expressing it here does
little.  Blocking Tor IPs for www access tends to be a blunt "security
measure" ignorant of the costs, and that's a reality we have to contend

Maybe you reach out to the forum hosters, and when I get a chance, I can
ping my contacts.

more comments inline.

> On Fri, Mar 30, 2018 at 11:28 AM, grarpamp <grarpamp at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> BSD's are a family, with FreeBSD the largest userbase. It's has
>> been around in essentially the same admin form for 25+ years...
>> base = kernel + userland, then apps.
>> https://www.freebsd.org/releases/11.1R/announce.html 
>> https://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/ 
>> https://download.freebsd.org/ftp/releases/ISO-IMAGES/11.1/
>> mini-memstick found above can be written to USB and directly used
>> as a "live" system without "installing" it. Write it to a 16G USB,
>> boot it, add some more ZFS partitions and customize it from there. 
>> Or "install" it to a second USB which is also "live".
>> They don't preload the base images with their own idea of app sets,
>> in fact /usr/local is empty for you to choose what you want... X,
>> window manager, shells, browser, MUA, etc.

yes. Take a quick browse at hier(7), likely the most underread manual
page on every operating system.  /usr/local is only for installed ports
and packages not in the base system.


>> https://www.freebsd.org/ports
>> There's around 31,000 prebuilt application packages. Choose your
>> list and 'pkg install <packagename>' each one.
>> The latest versions of all those mentioned are in there...
>> Tor OpenVPN 2.4.5 OpenJDK 8.162.12 I2P 0.9.33 Freenet -
>> Not yet, but as with I2P, grabbing the jar and following the docs
>> is easy enough.

OnionShare is in the pipeline, and it needs a bump.


(FreeBSD Bugzilla not blocking Tor...)

>> Also mentioned was 'kenel hardening', 'secure OS', and 'slick'... a
>> bit meaningless without further explicit example, use case, threat
>> model. People can join HardenedBSD, TrustedBSD, create new, or use
>> as is after seeing what's there.
>> OpenBSD is pretty awesome too.

Those "three BSDs" are different. TrustedBSD is an old security focused
research project that was (mostly) integrated into FreeBSD base.

>> With OPNsense, TrueOS and FreeNAS, DragonflyBSD, NetBSD, NAS4Free
>> making up most of the rest of the current general and specific use
>> space you can search out.

DragonFly BSD is an actual BSD which forked from FreeBSD a long while
back, and NetBSD was the first BSD out of Berkeley Unix along with
FreeBSD.  The other projects use a BSD as their base to provide specific

>> Yes one problem with "linux" is you have to learn both the way of
>> linux *and* the way of whichever distro on top is pulling the
>> fragmented bazaar together, then maybe discover the first random
>> distro out of dozens is not a good fit, or the distro guts and
>> remodels itself on a whim, then take a shot at another random
>> distro... a lot of time wasted on the distro layer alone. Do that
>> problem two or three times and were probably better off running
>> 'Linux From Scratch'.
>> There's also people doing some TorBSD.org BSD + Tor / TBB project
>> you could try / join.

https://www.torbsd.org/ and we have a wiki at https://wiki.torbsd.org

>> Even Whonix.



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