[tor-talk] Looking for excellent talks on Tor at HotPETs 2016
A. Johnson
aaron.m.johnson at nrl.navy.mil
Wed Mar 30 22:34:20 UTC 2016
Dear Tor fans,
If you are interested in presenting your work on Tor to world-class researchers and developers, consider submitting a talk proposal to the 9th Workshop on Hot Topics in Privacy Enhancing Technologies (HotPETs 2016). Two-page talk proposals should be emailed by May 13th to <hotpets16 at petsymposium.org>. For details, see <https://www.securityweek2016.tu-darmstadt.de/pets-2016/hotpets/>.
We are looking for engaging talks on important topics in digital privacy. There have always been great Tor-related talks as part of HotPETs, including results you may have heard of, such as a talk on Sybil defense in Tor last year and a proposal in 2014 to move Tor users to one guard instead of three (since implemented). We hope to continue to provide a useful venue for people using, studying, and developing Tor to present their work. And because HotPETs is a part of the Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETS), its presenters get to speak to and meet some of the best cryptographers, developers, and security scholars on the planet.
The workshop will take place on July 22nd, 2016, in Darmstadt, Germany. Please note that travel funds may be available to support attendance at HotPETs, especially for accepted talks (email <hotpets16 at petsymposium.org> for information). Both HotPETs and PETS are participating in Security & Privacy Week 2016, which includes several other concurrent conferences and workshops.
co-chair, HotPETs 2016
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