[tor-talk] Tor (and other nets) probably screwed by Traffic Analysis by now

Aymeric Vitte vitteaymeric at gmail.com
Fri Jun 3 09:57:56 UTC 2016

Le 03/06/2016 à 07:43, grarpamp a écrit :
> On 6/2/16, Aymeric Vitte <vitteaymeric at gmail.com> top posted without trimming:
>> Yes: https://github.com/Ayms/node-Tor#convergence
>> Let's imagine that one Tor circuit reaches a P2P network (here browsers)
>> and is splitted between different peers (UDP) circuits before
>> reasynching to a relay or end point, then the reconciliation from the
>> source to the end point is quite unlikely
>>> Is there any group / list that is actively researching
>>> or developing such networks? Or that wants to?
> If I remember right you're doing file caching / serving
> in the browsers-as-torrent-nodes layer. Yes that
> asynchronous would seem to break end to end timing.
Yes and different upload bandwidth of the peers make the timing
correlation even more difficult
> But the 654321012 byte file "into one tor circuit" from
> user at one end would still count same bytes out to
> a "reasynching end point" user at the other end.
> (Or users plural if requested by more than one user).
> Between otherwise relatively quiet endpoints / users.
> If they are all shuffling around encrypted bits fulltime,
> without being driven to do so by end user demand,
> such that the start and stop of the bytes of the poster
> and requestor[s] can't be delineated, that looks more
> generally like the fill traffic.
Here we could have some packets that are lost by the peers, because of
UDP, because a peer left and broke a P2P Tor circuit, etc, then the
packets must be resent and x bytes sent is then not equal to y bytes
received, more generally it could be possible to send consciously
several time the same packets who will be dropped by the reasynching end
point, still x bytes sent will be equal to x bytes received at the end
point but not further, that's one of the topics of the project, to be

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