[tor-talk] Article downtalking Tor for commercial purposes

Kevin Gallagher kevin.gallagher at nyu.edu
Wed Jan 20 20:45:54 UTC 2016

Hello everyone,

Shortly after sending an email to the maintainers of the site I revisited
the article and it seems there is now a comment field (that was not there

Sorry for any confusion.


Kevin Gallagher
Graduate Student, Department of Computer Science
New York University Tandon School of Engineering
2 MetroTech Center, 10th Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Email: kevin.gallagher at nyu.edu
Key Fingerprint: D02B 25CB 0F7D E276 06C3  BF08 53E4 C50F 8247 4861

On Wed, Jan 20, 2016 at 3:31 PM, Kevin Gallagher <kevin.gallagher at nyu.edu>

> Hello everyone,
> I have found a recent article that attempts to unfairly depict Tor in a
> bad light without mentioning many of the positives. I find it interesting
> that, when mentioning alternatives for Tor, the only link provided is to a
> "review" (what appears to be sponsored content) published on a website that
> the author works/writes for that is stamped with "sign up now"
> advertisements. This seems like a move to misinform the general public in
> order to gain money from them, but I cannot comment to ask about this
> because facebook is needed to comment. In addition, the author doesn't
> provide any way to contact her without using mainstream social media.
> Is there any way we can clarify this to readers? Is there anything we can
> do about this?
> http://www.digitalmediaghost.com/blog/6-reasons-why-tor-isnt-the-magic-browser-you-think-it-is
> Thanks,
> Kevin Gallagher
> Graduate Student, Department of Computer Science
> New York University Tandon School of Engineering
> 2 MetroTech Center, 10th Floor
> Brooklyn, NY 11201
> Email: kevin.gallagher at nyu.edu
> Key Fingerprint: D02B 25CB 0F7D E276 06C3  BF08 53E4 C50F 8247 4861

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