[tor-talk] Torified Mobile Experience
spencerone at openmailbox.org
Mon Jan 4 20:40:07 UTC 2016
> Nathan Freitas:
> for now the idea of booting a TAILS-like experience from
> an SD or USB drive is still not widely practical.
SD Cards work quite well for flashing...I am unfamiliar with any
downsides to this experience; will you expand on your statement?
Tails-like reservations I do have are with the "Amnesic" functionality,
as virtual RAM seems to be the only way to achieve this on Android, and
I am unfamiliar with the limitations of actually doing so.
Y'all already have LUKS for Android, and "Live" is more or less
perception-based, so it doesn't seem that far off, especially if the
intended thoroughness of ioerror's work is adopted; what does everything
really do, and so on.
> A few more related, interesting ideas:
> https://copperhead.co/android/
AOSP instead of CM; good move, though it isn't apparent why only the two
Nexus devices are supported; AOSParadox tries to address this, it seems.
> https://people.torproject.org/~ioerror/skunkworks/moto_e/
This is cool as a complete effort; the full
Hardware:hardware:Software:Firmware stack, and all, but requires quite
the old operational try, one my Dad ain't too fond of.
> been thinking about whether Android is the
> best solution to build upon, or if we should look towards booting TAILS
> on Windows Mobile hardware
Are there documented attempts with Windows mobile devices? I am not
familiar with success at doing much of anything in this respect with the
N900 or its nicer counterpart, the N9.
> (Qubes Mobile?)
This can be part of the experience on any platform, really.
> maybe something based on Pi Zero or Project CHIP device.
> https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1598272670/chip-the-worlds-first-9-computer
The current size is limiting for current Tails experiences, though I am
sure that will quickly change; Pi Zero has a SD slot, for example.
intrigeri might have more to say.
> Thanks for keeping hope alive, and keeping the interest going
Of course :)
This wasn't clear or easily locatable; will you point?
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