[tor-talk] Is it possible to use Tor without showing a Tor IP to the destination?

Scfith Rise up scfith at riseup.net
Sun Feb 21 20:30:17 UTC 2016

Mr. Andersson is assuming a lot. There are definitely tried and true methods to make purchases online and setup identities for these types of things. At the end of the day, yes the VPS provider is the weakest link. But you can use one that has no logs, carries a warrant canary, etc. and you can burn your VPS IP address as often as you need or spin up new ones as often as you need too. This is just one of many approaches and requires you to know what you are doing in locking down the VPS besides knowing how to buy it the right way, etc. 

On Feb 21, 2016, at 3:18 PM, Ben Tasker <ben at bentasker.co.uk> wrote:

>> So basically they see that someone signs up using the VPS that you've paid
> for using your real name and account?
> Providers do exist that don't ask for details and accept payment via
> Bitcoin - so it's not impossible to do in such a way that simply
> threatening the provider won't be sufficient.
> Personally, though, I think it's easy to underestimate/miss some of the
> risks inherent in chaining connections like that. More does not always lead
> to better privacy/security. If I was going to do it though, I think I'd
> probably run a hidden service on the VPN VPS rather than wasting exit
> bandwidth.
> On Sun, Feb 21, 2016 at 8:12 PM, Anders Andersson <pipatron at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>>> On Sun, Feb 21, 2016 at 7:17 PM, Scfith Rise up <scfith at riseup.net> wrote:
>>> I can point you in a direction that I took to accomplish this without
>> having to resort to a third party VPN. I am running my own VPN from a VPS
>> and added it to my proxychains file. Here is the github for proxychains-ng
>> that I highly recommend. This setup accomplishes what you ask, a list of ip
>> addresses that it chains through to the final destination. Your tor
>> connection can be one of them or not as you wish. Enjoy.
>> So basically they see that someone signs up using the VPS that you've
>> paid for using your real name and account? Why do you even use Tor to
>> connect to the VPS? If they want to know who's behind the account
>> they'll just send a threatening enough letter to the VPS owner.
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> Ben Tasker
> https://www.bentasker.co.uk
> -- 
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