[tor-talk] A community concern that needs to be addressed,

myzeus at openmailbox.org myzeus at openmailbox.org
Fri Aug 19 00:49:04 UTC 2016

Hash: SHA512

Hi there,

A reddit user recently wrote the following and as quoted:
"So this is a throwaway account.

I have been keeping up and following the Tor project on social media 
sites and just had a general interest. I have an uncomfortable feeling 
with the way things are going at the Tor project.

Jacob being accused of rape is a subject I don't want to dive into, but 
I feel like there is a push to get certain people out of the Tor 
project. On top of that we had the ex CIA agent, the board purge, and 
several notable people leave.

I don't know if Jacob did what he's accused of, and it's not up to 
anyone of us to know what he did either. That is to be left up to the 

On top of all of that the social media posts are seemingly less 
technical/privacy related and more related towards identity politics . 
The latest tweet was a retweet of Alison Macrina saying there are women 
interested in joining the project and that's awesome. I agree that 
having qualified developers and others is a great thing and the more 
involved people are the better. My worry is the identity politics . I 
myself am considered a minority, but I think basing serious projects on 
identity politics is not only dangerous, but perhaps an active force 
being used by enemies of Tor.

My theory is that enemies of Tor are using identity politics to push key 
members out of the Tor project and to then hijack it and perhaps make it 
less secure.

Why do I think that is the theory? Because it's a real life tactic used 
by some to subvert then destroy your enemies while you quietly take 
control. We all know governments love to use sex crimes to pass laws. 
Claims of rampant sexism at Tor and a rape accusation seem to fit the 
shoe of getting people to support the removal of those key members. What 
are your thoughts?

TLDR I believe the Tor project is slowly being hijacked and key members 
getting kicked out based on buzzwords and identity politics" -- 

Their post seems to be somewhat political and based on recent events. 
The user's concern on the lack of technical posts makes a lot of sense. 
I feel like Tor has become increasingly user-friendly and the Tor 
Browser Bundle is by far less 'intimidating' to perform first time 
configuration than it was a few years ago. The lack of technical posts 
might concern some people. What are your thoughts on addressing the 

Nathaniel Suchy / MyZeus
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