[tor-talk] Problems? Verifying signatures in Tor 4.0.4
andre76 at fastmail.fm
andre76 at fastmail.fm
Tue Mar 3 13:59:28 UTC 2015
On Tue, Mar 3, 2015, at 12:49 AM, goofyzrnssm at vfemail.net wrote:
> The more complicated verification gets, the more difficult it becomes
> for `the bad guys' to hack your files. So there's a real benefit to
> embracing the advanced verification process. Learning that process
> may take some time, but if you're quite seriously worried, then maybe
> it's very much worth doing. The steps below outline a fairly
> anonymous process. Possibly you may prefer to do all of this
> someplace other than at home or work, or someplace where no phones or
> MAC addresses have tracked you.
> 1) Sha256sum verification.
> 1)A) From different exit nodes of the Tor network, download from
> TorProject [5] three or more copies of each of these files. To change
> exit nodes, click "New Identity" in the TorButton menu.
> 1)A)a) [TorBrowserBundle].tar.xz
> 1)A)b) [TorBrowserBundle].tar.xz.asc (Note: ".asc" files are
> detatched
> signatures)
> 1)A)c) sha256sums.txt
> 1)A)d) sha256sums.txt.asc
> 1)B) Compare the SHA256 sums of each subset separately (a, then b,
> then c, then d) amongst themselves, and delete the ones that don't
> match the others [4]. Re-download new copies if necessary.
> 1)C) Check the SHA256 sums of [TorBrowserBundle].tar.xz against
> the list sha256sums.txt. Instructions on how to do this can be found
> at Tor's page "How to verify signatures for packages" [3]. (On
> Linux/OSX it's easy; maybe it's easy on Windows, too, I don't know.)
> 2) GPG. (Note: command syntax shown is for gpg v.1.4.16 on Linux)
> 2)A) Get from TorProject the first list of keys.
> 2)A)a) An easier way is to just download the one signing key,
> listed at the TorProject Blog [1].
> 2)A)b) The more thorough way is download them all, listed at [2] and
> below.
> 2)B) Import into gpg the keys on the first list.
> 2)B)a) Just the signing key, listed at [1].
> gpg --keyserver keys.gnupg.net --recv-keys 0x4E2C6E8793298290
> 2)B)b) Or all of the keys listed at [2].
> gpg --keyserver keys.gnupg.net --recv-keys 0x0E3A92E4 0x4B7C3223
> 0xD0220E4B 0x23291265 0x28988BF5 0x19F78451 0x165733EA 0x8D29319A
> 0x63FEE659 0xF1F5C9B5 0x31B0974B 0x6B4D6475 0x886DDD89 0x9ABBEEC6
> 0xC5AA446D 0xC11F62765 0xBE2CD9C1 0xC82E0039 0xE1DEC577
> 0xD255D3F5C868227F 0x4E2C6E8793298290
> 2)C) Get from gpg the second list of keys. These are the gpg keys of
> individuals and organizations which have signed the TorProject signing
> key. In the example below, what you're looking for are the eight-digit
> key numbers listed to the left of the term "sig," which is found in
> the furthermost lefthand column.
> $ gpg --list-sigs 0x4E2C6E8793298290
> pub 4096R/93298290 2014-12-15
> uid Tor Browser Developers (signing key)
> <torbrowser at torproject.org>
> sig 63FEE659 2015-01-13 Erinn Clark <erinn at torproject.org>
> sig 4B7C3223 2014-12-15 Georg Koppen <gk at torproject.org>
> sig 3 93298290 2014-12-15 Tor Browser Developers (signing key)
> <torbrowser at torproject.org>
> sig 1B678A63 2015-02-26 Nicolas Vigier (boklm)
> <boklm at mars-attacks.org>
> sig 95C877E5 2015-03-01 Paulo Garcia <macrinus1789 at gmail.com>
> sub 4096R/F65C2036 2014-12-15
> sig 93298290 2014-12-15 Tor Browser Developers (signing key)
> <torbrowser at torproject.org>
> sub 4096R/D40814E0 2014-12-15
> sig 93298290 2014-12-15 Tor Browser Developers (signing key)
> <torbrowser at torproject.org>
> sub 4096R/589839A3 2014-12-15
> sig 93298290 2014-12-15 Tor Browser Developers (signing key)
> <torbrowser at torproject.org>
> 2)D) Import into gpg the keys on this second list.
> gpg --keyserver keys.gnupg.net --recv-keys 63FEE659 4B7C3223 93298290
> 1B678A63 95C877E5
> 2)E) Optional. For verification, re-import all keys from a second
> and/or third source. Additional keyservers can be found online with
> some digging. "PKS" and "site:.edu" are fairly good search terms.
> gpg --keyserver keys.mozilla.org --recv-keys 0x0E3A92E4 0x4B7C3223
> 0xD0220E4B 0x23291265 0x28988BF5 0x19F78451 0x165733EA 0x8D29319A
> 0x63FEE659 0xF1F5C9B5 0x31B0974B 0x6B4D6475 0x886DDD89 0x9ABBEEC6
> 0xC5AA446D 0xC11F62765 0xBE2CD9C1 0xC82E0039 0xE1DEC577
> 0xD255D3F5C868227F 0x4E2C6E8793298290 63FEE659 4B7C3223 93298290
> 1B678A63 95C877E5
> gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-keys 0x0E3A92E4 0x4B7C3223
> 0xD0220E4B 0x23291265 0x28988BF5 0x19F78451 0x165733EA 0x8D29319A
> 0x63FEE659 0xF1F5C9B5 0x31B0974B 0x6B4D6475 0x886DDD89 0x9ABBEEC6
> 0xC5AA446D 0xC11F62765 0xBE2CD9C1 0xC82E0039 0xE1DEC577
> 0xD255D3F5C868227F 0x4E2C6E8793298290 63FEE659 4B7C3223 93298290
> 1B678A63 95C877E5
> 2)F) Verify online the full 40 digit fingerprint(s), or just
> `fingerprint,' of the key(s) you've imported. AFAIK, this can only be
> done one key at a time, so it's a little time consuming, but it's
> easy. Verification of the TorProject signing key's fingerprint is the
> most important.
> 2)F)a) Starting with the signing key, 0x4E2C6E8793298290, visually
> compare the "Primary key fingerprint" printed in terminal by gpg to
> the "Key fingerprint" listed at torproject.org on their blog [1]. The
> "Primary key fingerprint" is a 40 digit alphanumeric string: "EF6E
> 286D DA85 EA2A 4BA7 DE68 4E2C 6E87 9329 8290". The fingerprints and
> their related data should match. Here are the commands, followed by
> how they appear on my machine:
> $ gpg --edit-key 0x4E2C6E8793298290
> gpg> fpr
> gpg> q
> $ gpg --edit-key 0x4E2C6E8793298290
> gpg (GnuPG) 1.4.16; Copyright (C) 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
> This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
> There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
> pub 4096R/93298290 created: 2014-12-15 expires: never usage: C
> trust: unknown validity: undefined
> sub 4096R/F65C2036 created: 2014-12-15 expires: never usage: S
> sub 4096R/D40814E0 created: 2014-12-15 expires: never usage: S
> sub 4096R/589839A3 created: 2014-12-15 expires: never usage: S
> [ undef ] (1). Tor Browser Developers (signing key)
> <torbrowser at torproject.org>
> gpg> fpr
> pub 4096R/93298290 2014-12-15 Tor Browser Developers (signing key)
> <torbrowser at torproject.org>
> Primary key fingerprint: EF6E 286D DA85 EA2A 4BA7 DE68 4E2C 6E87 9329
> 8290
> gpg> q
> 2)F)b) Check the fingerprint of the signing key with an online Public
> Key Server. After changing identities in TorBrowser, surf to the key
> server of your choice. An HTTPS connection is ideal here to prevent
> any malicious interference.
> https://pgp.mit.edu
> https://keys.gnupg.net
> https://keys.mozilla.org
> Once at the Public Key Server's page, select the check box "Show PGP
> fingerprints for keys." Go back to terminal, to the output of "gpg>
> fpr", and copy the eight digit key number or email address for the key
> whose fingerprint you want check online. As above:
> gpg> fpr
> pub 4096R/93298290 2014-12-15 Tor Browser Developers (signing key)
> <torbrowser at torproject.org>
> Paste the eight digit key number or email address into the Public Key
> Server's search box, and do the search. If multiple keys show up, the
> one key you're looking for should have the full and correct 40 digit
> fingerprint listed with it. Just do a "ctrl-F" search for the full
> fingerprint within the page of search results.
> Now you reasonably have secondary or tertiary confirmation of the
> validity of your copy of TorProject's signing key. Feel free to
> re-check at any time.
> 2)F)c) Optional. Check online the fingerprints of the gpg keys of
> the individuals and organizations which have signed TorProject's
> signing key. This step combines together a few of the previous steps.
> For ease, you may want to open a text editor to keep a list handy of
> the fingerprints you've verified; there's a lot of switching back and
> forth.
> 2)F)c)1) Go back to steps 2)C) and 2)D) and get the second list of keys.
> 63FEE659 4B7C3223 93298290 1B678A63 95C877E5
> 2)F)c)2) Next, check in gpg the fingerprint of one of the keys. In
> this example I've chosen at random the first key on the list, key
> 63FEE659 from Erinn Clark. Call up in gpg the fingerprint using the
> commands in 2)F)a).
> $ gpg --edit-key 63FEE659
> gpg (GnuPG) 1.4.16; Copyright (C) 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
> This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
> There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
> pub 2048R/63FEE659 created: 2003-10-16 expires: never usage: SC
> trust: unknown validity: full
> sub 2048R/EB399FD7 created: 2003-10-16 expires: never usage: E
> [ full ] (1). Erinn Clark <erinn at torproject.org>
> [ full ] (2) Erinn Clark <erinn at debian.org>
> [ revoked] (3) Erinn Clark <erinnc at bellsouth.net>
> [ full ] (4) Erinn Clark <erinn at double-helix.org>
> gpg> fpr
> pub 2048R/63FEE659 2003-10-16 Erinn Clark <erinn at torproject.org>
> Primary key fingerprint: 8738 A680 B84B 3031 A630 F2DB 416F 0610 63FE
> E659
> gpg> q
> 2)F)c)3) Copy (ctrl-c) the full 40 digit fingerprint from your gpg
> results. Next, go to TorProject's page "Which PGP keys sign which
> packages" [2] and search for the same 40 digit fingerprint, in this
> example of key 63FEE659 from Erinn Clark. The fingerprints and
> related data between gpg and Torproject should match. If ctrl-c
> doesn't work for you, a visual check works too.
> pub 2048R/63FEE659 2003-10-16
> Key fingerprint = 8738 A680 B84B 3031 A630 F2DB 416F 0610
> 63FE E659
> uid Erinn Clark <erinn at torproject.org>
> uid Erinn Clark <erinn at debian.org>
> uid Erinn Clark <erinn at double-helix.org>
> sub 2048R/EB399FD7 2003-10-16
> 2)F)c)4) From here, it's faster to check all of the fingerprints of
> the keys from step 2)F)c)1) in gpg and at TorProject, as outlined in
> the above two steps, than it is to double and triple check with online
> Public Key Servers in serial.
> 2)F)c)5) Repeat as desired the above steps 2)F)c)2) and 2)F)c)3) to
> check the fingerprints in gpg against online Public Key Servers of
> your choice, as listed in step 2)F)b). Remember to use an HTTPS
> connection and switch identities between websites.
> 2)G) Verify that in GPG the detached signatures (.asc) on the
> sha256sums.txt and [TBB].tar.xz files are good. Remember to verify
> only files which have already passed the sha256sum verification.
> There's been a lot of really good advice on this part of the process
> recently, so I'll just show the commands here.
> 2)G)a) The sha256sums file.
> $ gpg --verify sha256sums.txt.asc sha256sums.txt
> gpg: Signature made Wed 25 Feb 2015 07:55:34 AM GMT using RSA key ID
> F65C2036
> gpg: Good signature from "Tor Browser Developers (signing key)
> <torbrowser at torproject.org>"
> gpg: WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!
> gpg: There is no indication that the signature belongs to the
> owner.
> Primary key fingerprint: EF6E 286D DA85 EA2A 4BA7 DE68 4E2C 6E87 9329
> 8290
> Subkey fingerprint: 5242 013F 02AF C851 B1C7 36B8 7017 ADCE F65C
> 2036
> 2)G)b) The TorBrowserBundle file.
> $ gpg --verify tor-browser-linux32-4.0.4_en-US.tar.xz.asc
> tor-browser-linux32-4.0.4_en-US.tar.xz
> gpg: Signature made Wed 25 Feb 2015 07:54:55 AM GMT using RSA key ID
> F65C2036
> gpg: Good signature from "Tor Browser Developers (signing key)
> <torbrowser at torproject.org>"
> gpg: WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!
> gpg: There is no indication that the signature belongs to the
> owner.
> Primary key fingerprint: EF6E 286D DA85 EA2A 4BA7 DE68 4E2C 6E87 9329
> 8290
> Subkey fingerprint: 5242 013F 02AF C851 B1C7 36B8 7017 ADCE F65C
> 2036
> 3) Securely delete the extra files [4]. All done.
> cheers,
> gz
> [1] https://blog.torproject.org/blog/tor-browser-404-released
> [2] https://www.torproject.org/docs/signing-keys.html.en
> [3] https://www.torproject.org/docs/verifying-signatures.html.en
> [4] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_data-erasing_software
> [5] https://dist.torproject.org/torbrowser/
> ----------------------------
Ok....I think that makes it very clear. Excellent work and thanks for
your time.
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