[tor-talk] Clarification of Tor's involvement with DARPA's Memex

Thomas White thomaswhite at riseup.net
Fri Apr 17 19:57:21 UTC 2015

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I'm in the UK and I can assure you, teaming up with good intentions
here with them will end with some of the devs in prison once their
favour for you turns. I speak from experience in this. Afaik my
position over the years has been the one of the things which made Tor
Project reach out to the UK government more since I am certainly not
an isolated case, myself and Mr Lewman did discuss this privately
earlier this year.

"However, they would not be willing to specifically advise LEAs on
ways to exploit limitations in the Tor software"

Exploiting does not include creating some private search engine or
methods of harvesting HS addresses. Perhaps because I do not hold good
relations with LE I might be beating a dead horse on this, but I don't
trust them with anything.


On 17/04/2015 19:15, benjamin barber wrote:
> http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:FV6xe-Qhf_MJ:www.
> "Collaboration with Tor Project Inc. Tor Project Inc. has supported
> a large number of LEAs in the US and Europe by explaining how to
> use Tor for LEA operations and how criminals may use it, as well as
> by developing tools and documentation that can assist LEA
> operations. However, they would not be willing to specifically
> advise LEAs on ways to exploit limitations in the Tor software. The
> Executive Director of Tor Project Inc., Andrew Lewman, says he
> would like to intensify collaborations with LEAs and policy makers 
> in the UK."
> On Fri, Apr 17, 2015 at 9:38 AM, Thomas White
> <thomaswhite at riseup.net> wrote:
> So I was reading through the following article:
> http://www.forbes.com/sites/thomasbrewster/2015/04/17/darpa-nasa-and-p
> And there is some references to DARPA collaborating with some 
> developers from Tor Project. I'd like to ask the developers of Tor
> to clarify what this involvement entails and why effort is being
> put towards a LE tool instead of working on hiding Tor users
> through improving anonymity or developing more circumvention
> based-tech.
> Hope I don't come off as a Pando-type, but there is always going to
> be a concern where Tor is involved with LE and it isn't out in the
> open (to my knowledge) already.
> T
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