[tor-talk] TorBirdy seems to connect to the same exit node again and again

l.m ter.one.leeboi at hush.com
Mon Apr 13 20:13:47 UTC 2015

Hi Sophie,

"Sophie Hassfurther"  wrote:
>How do I look up which ports work on which exit 
>nodes? I tried searching Atlas, but I didn't find 
>out how to do a reverse search.

Glad to see the problem appears sorted. To find exit policies I used
the cat and grep commands on microdesc data. This data is available on
the CollectTor website as well as locally in your Tor Browser folder.
After loading Tor Browser, do a search for cached-microdescs in the
Tor Browser install folder. If you then open a terminal at the
location and use (for simplicity):

cat cached-microdescs | grep accept

That gives you an idea of accept policies. If you add to that:

cat cached-microdescs | grep accept | grep portnumber

That gives you an idea of how many exits (that you know about) which
accept portnumber. If you add to that:

cat cached-microdescs | grep accept | grep portnumber | wc -l

You'll have (very roughly) the number of exits. I'll leave it to you
to search the man pages for better expressions to use with grep ;) In
your case the number of exits accepting port 25 was quite small.

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