[tor-talk] TBB 3.6.5 not on download site?

Mike Perry mikeperry at torproject.org
Wed Sep 3 23:00:17 UTC 2014

> On 2014-09-03 14:57, Joe Btfsplk wrote:
> >Tor Weekly News, September 3rd, 2014 - mentions Tor Browser 3.6.5 and
> >4.0-alpha-2 are out.
> >
> >But the download site
> >https://www.torproject.org/projects/torbrowser.html has only 3.6.4. &
> >4.0-alpha-1.
> After members of the Tor Browser team confirmed yesterday that they
> were planning to release 3.6.5 on the 2nd, I chose to keep the
> announcement in, hoping that the official blog post would soon be up
> and that the download links would be changed. I asked several times
> on IRC if I should go ahead, and no one seemed to have strong
> feelings.
> This has happened more than once and I don't really know what to do
> about it. If the Tor Browser team object to Tor Weekly News
> announcing things, I have no problem with not doing so. On the other
> hand, the software is available in the /dist directory (I'm using it
> now!), so it has “been released”.

Unfortunately this sort of confusion is likely to happen with some
probability due to the narrow window between our release day and the TWN
posting day.

Tuesday (in PDT time) is the official Firefox release day, and we aim
for that as well for Tor Browser. Wednesday is the TWN release day
(usually CEST time), which means that there are only a few hours from
when we're supposed to have Tor Browser released and when TWN goes live.

Unfortunately, any number of minor snags can cause us to get delayed by
these few hours and miss our target window enough to cause problems for
TWN. In this case, we were waiting for a disk space issue to be resolved
on the website mirrors, and for Erinn to sign the bundles.

The blog post is now up, though.

In the future, if you'd like to avoid this possibility, probably the
safest thing to do is simply report on the Tor Browser release the week

Mike Perry
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