[tor-talk] Wikimedia and Tor

Derric Atzrott datzrott at alizeepathology.com
Thu Oct 2 14:07:49 UTC 2014

Hash: SHA1

>> I liked the GPG idea, and brought it back to Wikitech-l. I'll let
>> you guys know if anyone there finds a way to completely break it.
> There's another possibility that's probably easier to implement and
> test, but isn't so broadly useful as a hard-to-generate GnuPG key. In
> creating a hidden service, the Tor client generates an RSA private_key
> and uses the first 80 bytes of the key's SHA1 hash as the hostname.
> Vanity hostnames being popular, there are published methods.[0]

I'm not entirely sure what you are suggesting?  Are you suggesting
we leverage specify some portion of a SHA1 hash and require that
the Tor clients trying to edit Wikipedia create a hidden service key
that ends up matching that?

Or are you suggesting that we do something involving requiring editors
using Tor to create a hidden service with a certain hostname (are those
hostnames called descriptors, I think they are, but I'm not 100% sure)?

Or something else entirely.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (MingW32)


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