[tor-talk] Once again: window size

l.m ter.one.leeboi at hush.com
Fri Nov 28 20:19:24 UTC 2014

What do you mean, not really? If you look at number (7) as mentioned
you see the Design Goal *and* Implementation Status. Implementation
status shows the methods used to reach the goal. Clicking on the links
provides all the details you could need to change the behavior. These
are modifications to TorButton and Tor Browser. Maybe you're
suggesting to let all Tor Browser users to just shoot themselves in
the foot by making this easily customizable on a per-user basis?

--leeroy bearr

On 11/28/2014 at 12:34 PM, "Hartmut Haase"  wrote:Hi mroq qorm,
> number 7 is the one that answers your question
well, not really. But can you tell me where the default size is
Viele Grüße,

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