[tor-talk] TORrorist Shirt from Pirate Party Luxemburg

Perforin w32.perforin at gmail.com
Mon Jul 7 17:33:58 UTC 2014

If you buy one and would like to support an Torservers.net partner
organization, please mention "Enn" or "frennvunderenn" at the comment
section. As the PPLU is one of our local partners they will also donate
some cash to us if we reach at least 20 sold T-Shirts mentioning "enn"
or "frennvunderenn".

virii - enn.lu

On 2014-07-07 15:02, flapflap wrote:
> no.thing_to-hide at cryptopathie.eu:
>> Obviously we on these lists belong to the most extreme dangerous
>> people one can think of :-)) . Pirate Party Luxemburg thinks the same
>> and offers for 20 EUR or 0.043 BTC a nice TORrorist Shirt (3). The
>> profit will be donated to the Tor project.
> Also RMS wrote about the "Torrorist" shirt :-)
> https://stallman.org/archives/2014-may-aug.html#07_July_2014_%28TORorists%29

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