[tor-talk] High-latency hidden services (was: Re: Secure Hidden Service (was: Re: ... Illegal Activity As A Metric ...))

grarpamp grarpamp at gmail.com
Thu Jul 3 05:04:02 UTC 2014

On Wed, Jul 2, 2014 at 7:18 PM, Helder Ribeiro <helder at discor.de> wrote:
> On Sun, Jun 29, 2014 at 9:58 PM, Seth David Schoen <schoen at eff.org> wrote:
>> Then a question is whether users would want to use a service that takes,
>> say, several hours to act on or answer their queries (and whether the
>> amount of padding data required to thwart end-to-end traffic analysis
>> is acceptable).

I probably missed some context in thread. Link padding doesn't imply
or have a tie to high[er] latency (other than minimal processing overhead).
It's just the usual committed bandwidth, but always full, with wheat,
or backed by chaff when there's not enough wheat to fill it.

> High-latency web browsing is actually a great use case and could
> benefit from the extra security.
> Apps like Pocket (http://getpocket.com/) work as a "read it later"
> queue, downloading things for offline reading.

I think it was Freenet where 'web' (page/browsing) was modeled
as a non-real-time-interactive, retrievable (and updateable) object.
Essentially documents. But were delivered in real time over the net.

Torrents seem similar... queing, updatable, latency tolerant. Though
there's no 'hours' delay storage buffer nodes between actual source
and sink either.

Besides mail mixes, what systems use such formal buffers in between?

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