[tor-talk] FTP Hidden Service

Lars Luthman mail at larsluthman.net
Fri Jan 24 15:55:19 UTC 2014

On Fri, 2014-01-24 at 16:14 +0100, m8r-2jspam at mailinator.com wrote: 
> Hello,
> I have an FTP hidden service, the ftp daemon is listening only to my
> loopback. There is no problem to connect to my FTP account through
> Firefox or lftp but I am unable to connect with Filezilla or Total
> Commander - directory listing fails (see the error message below). The
> FTP daemon opens a passive port on the server and the directory
> listing is ready there (I checked it with netcat) but my FTP client
> doesn't connect to the passive port (all passive ports are listed in
> torrc hidden service config).

Have you tried using Wireshark or some other traffic monitor on the
client machine to see if there is a difference between what e.g. Firefox
and Filezilla does when trying to fetch a directory listing?

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